Oh I loathe reply all – but then in our office it’s more like this:
Fred: Asks for info, send-all
Joanne, Michael and Susanne: Reply:all “I don’t know” (whyyyy, whyyy would you do this?!)
Elliot: Reply-all with answer. He is wrong.
Mark: Reply-all correting Elliot. He is also wrong
Elliot & Mark: 20 reply all emails arguing over who is right
Joanne: Reply-all to repeat that she still does not know.
Susanne: Reply- all to agree with Joanne
Sarah: Reply-all to correct Elliot and Mark. She is also wrong.
Joanne, upset by all this arguing: Reply all with a fuzzy kitten picture with a trite feel good message.
Multiple people: Unnecessary kitten cooing in reply all.
Brian: Reply all with the ACTUAL true answer
Fred, Elliot, Mark, Joanne, Sarah: Multiple Reply alls to tell Brian he is wrong. He is banished in shame for his obvious wrongness.
Dark Lord Charlotte, Master of all She Surveys, Manager of the Lives of Lesser People: Reply: ENOUGH! I WILL EAT THE SOUL OF THE NEXT PERSON TO REPLY ALL