Happy anniversarySappy time.
41 years ago today, I married the love of my life. Since then, we've become best friends and confidants. 23 of those years, she had to put up with my USAF career. We've survived 6 countries, 4 states and Alaska, two boys and her mother (RIP). Countless TDY's, and 7 wars/MOOTW's. We're still here plugging along, thank God!
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You got soooooo dam lucky. Congratulations to you both!Sappy time.
41 years ago today, I married the love of my life. Since then, we've become best friends and confidants. 23 of those years, she had to put up with my USAF career. We've survived 6 countries, 4 states and Alaska, two boys and her mother (RIP). Countless TDY's, and 7 wars/MOOTW's. We're still here plugging along, thank God!
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Sappy time.
41 years ago today, I married the love of my life. Since then, we've become best friends and confidants. 23 of those years, she had to put up with my USAF career. We've survived 6 countries, 4 states and Alaska, two boys and her mother (RIP). Countless TDY's, and 7 wars/MOOTW's. We're still here plugging along, thank God!
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Good looking couple.Sappy time.
41 years ago today, I married the love of my life. Since then, we've become best friends and confidants. 23 of those years, she had to put up with my USAF career. We've survived 6 countries, 4 states and Alaska, two boys and her mother (RIP). Countless TDY's, and 7 wars/MOOTW's. We're still here plugging along, thank God!
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Good looking young couple. She’s become more lovely with age. Sadly, you’ve slowly grown to resemble me, oh shiny noggin.Sappy time.
41 years ago today, I married the love of my life. Since then, we've become best friends and confidants. 23 of those years, she had to put up with my USAF career. We've survived 6 countries, 4 states and Alaska, two boys and her mother (RIP). Countless TDY's, and 7 wars/MOOTW's. We're still here plugging along, thank God!
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