Things will be ok very soon

February 3, "Being President is Hard Day."


* Tom Daschle withdrew as Secretary of Health and Human Services due to controversy involving failure to fully pay his taxes from 2005 to 2007. He ultimately paid $128,000 in back taxes plus $11,964 in interest. He was also criticized for his lobbying ties to the health industry, after having made over $5 million in the last few years.

* Nancy Killefer withdrew as deputy director at the Office of Management and Budget and the first "performance officer" in the White House due to tax problems, including failure to pay unemployment compensation on household help.

* According to the Financial Times, "India has warned US President Barack Obama that he risks ‘barking up the wrong tree' if he seeks to broker a settlement between Pakistan and India over the disputed territory of Kashmir... the new US administration was in danger of dredging up out of date Clinton administration-era strategies... The warning comes as Richard Holbrooke, Mr Obama's special envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan, prepares to come to the region for the first time."

* Support for Obama's stimulus package, now flirting with a $900B price tag, fell to 37%, according to Rasmussen.

* Iran denied visas to the US Women's Badminton Team, sent by the US in hopes of easing tensions between the two countries.


February 4, "More Socialized Medicine Day."

* Obama issued a Presidential Memorandum on "State Children's Health Insurance Program." This memorandum withdraws previous limits on the flexibility of states to set income eligibility standards for SCHIP.

February 5, "Community Organizing, Low-Flow Coffee-Makers and Trade-War Day."

* Obama issued an Executive Order on "Amendments to Executive Order 13199 and Establishment of the President's Advisory Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships." For some reason, the phrase "community initiatives" will be replaced with "neighborhood partnerships" throughout all language on the initiative. Whatever "neighborhood partnerships" are, they have equal footing with faith-based ones. In other words, the local Planned Parenthood or ACORN center will be treated like a house of God, in the eyes of the federal government.

* Obama issued a Presidential memorandum on "Appliance Efficiency Standards." This memorandum directs the Secretary of Energy to do his or her job. The Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, and a later court decree, require the DOE to issue efficiency standards for appliances by certain dates. This memorandum says DOE should comply with the Act of 1975 and the later court decree.

* According to Time, "Europe's euphoria over Barack Obama is fading fast. As Congress wrangles over the President's $819 billion stimulus package, a ‘buy American' clause has the European Union threatening legal action and retaliatory sanctions and opening up the prospect of an explosive trade war."

February 6. "Be Even Nicer to Unions and Terrorists Day."

* Obama issued an Executive Order on "Use of Project Labor Agreements for Federal Construction Projects", which revokes President Bush's Executive Orders 13202 and 13208. This new order encourages federal executives to require government contractors and subcontractors to use union-organized labor.

* Pakistan released Abdul Qadeer Khan from custody. Khan was the father of Pakistan's bomb and also provided plans for nuclear weapons to Iran, Libya and North Korea. He is considered a major nuclear proliferation threat.

* In response to President Obama's Executive Order of January 22, charges were dropped against Gitmo detainee Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, an al-Qaida suspect in the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000, which killed 17 US sailors.

February 8. "Republican Moderates to the Rescue of the Rescue Day."

* The AP reports that the stimulus package is still in some trouble in the Senate. The Senate version costs $827B, or just $8B more than the House version, after having been pared back from $900B, supposedly, due to the influence of a handful of Republican moderates. That is, in the House, zero Republicans supported the stimulus, and its cost was $819B. But in the Senate, due to support from a handful of Republican moderates, the cost will only be $827B. That is how Republican moderates compromise.

* Yemen released 170 al-Qaida suspects.

Progress of the Democratic Congress. Here is what the House did already in 2009:

* Established January 2009 as "National Stalking Awareness Month."

* Supported the ideals of "National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week."

* Established a redress process for individuals, such as suspected terrorists, wrongly delayed or prohibited from boarding a flight.

* Reauthorized SCHIP.

* Delayed digital TV.

* Encouraged states to report to the feds information regarding people who die in the custody of state law enforcement agencies.

Get the drift? Undo whatever Bush did. Expect appointees to obey the law, with a mulligan given for first-time offenses less than $128,000. Pay back Democratic special interests like unions, trial lawyers and Planned Parenthood. Define "bipartisanship" as inviting Republicans to lunch and telling them, "I won." Spend really, really huge amounts of other people's money. Make terrorism a law enforcement issue instead of a national defense issue. And watch terrorists and nuclear proliferators be released, from Pakistan to Yemen to Gitmo.

These first 21 days could best be summarized in the immortal words of Mark Steyn, who said, "We have nothing to hope for but hope itself."

Above excerpted from article by Randall Hoven.
I noticed that no one bothered to ask the Obamassiah about his administration's piss poor response to the natural disaster in Kentucky.

25 dead and nearly a million without power at it's worst, and the new President sat on his hands and did little, if anything. I thought he loudly declared that, unlike the previous President, he was capable of doing more than one task at a time.
throwing money around to all these companies is ridiculous. if u ask me let them go bankrupt

Exactly! Why put a band-aid on it? Why give these big companies a gift for failing? I don't care what anyone says, This is a government spending bill that he is trying to get passed. It may help 2-3 years down the road but it will be to late for alot of people by then. I would rather see them do nothing at all.
I thought that he talked in circles about some issues, blamed the former admin on some issues, and answered the question without ever answering the question on some issues. All in all, he sounded like a typical politician.

On a side note, do any of yall think he has had that "Holy crap, what am I gonna do now" moment? He looked like a deer in the head lights a few times last night.
I thought that he talked in circles about some issues, blamed the former admin on some issues, and answered the question without ever answering the question on some issues. All in all, he sounded like a typical politician.

On a side note, do any of yall think he has had that "Holy crap, what am I gonna do now" moment? He looked like a deer in the head lights a few times last night.

well yah, theres only so far rhetoric and hype can take you,,,
I noticed that no one bothered to ask the Obamassiah about his administration's piss poor response to the natural disaster in Kentucky.

25 dead and nearly a million without power at it's worst, and the new President sat on his hands and did little, if anything. I thought he loudly declared that, unlike the previous President, he was capable of doing more than one task at a time.

They were lobbing soft balls all right but since you brought up disaster relief and you're none to happy anyway, let me PO you just a bit more. :)

Do you like truffle honey??? (uh, don't be a smarta$$ now) :no: After the hurricanes one guy I know who lived down there and was left homeless ended up being a volunteer at a shelter for six months or so and as he was a very qualified chef he prepared food for others such as himself.

One day when Fema came by to deliver food they told him they had a truck load of truffle honey that no one would take and offered it to him just to get rid of it.

He took a case of it and said he wished he had taken the whole truck load. But I ask you, should we have artichoke hearts, escargot and truffle honey on Fema emergency food lists?????

But I'm sure it was cost effective for Pelosi and her liberal elites, the truffle honey came from San Francisco.
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I thought that he talked in circles about some issues, blamed the former admin on some issues, and answered the question without ever answering the question on some issues. All in all, he sounded like a typical politician.

On a side note, do any of yall think he has had that "Holy crap, what am I gonna do now" moment? He looked like a deer in the head lights a few times last night.

He doesn't look to be ready to take off the training wheels just yet.

Am I the only one who noticed that it seems Barry's hair is turning grey??

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