Thinking about the orange blazer

No, you don't want to isolate former players that way. If players are good enough to leave early and go play in the league and make millions, who is anyone to begrudge that? They're still VFL's and could end up being amazing ambassadors for the program! The only exception to this should be players dismissed from the program.

they play for their university. it's not isolating anyone. it should be a reward for them to give their all for 4 years.
I can imagine seeing all of them come down Peyton Manning in the walk, in orange blazers, RockyTop blaring.. now that would be total electricity... anyone else remember when ole douchebag had them wear those solid black adidas (I think that was the brand) running suits? I loathed that look.... add some spark, Butch.... let's get this long awaited football party started!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

GO BIG ORANGE .. :rock:
Which one? :)

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