This guy had a lot of power very recently. Scary

the expression of “putting their heads on a pike” at the corners of the white house is not a call to physically “behead” them as both CNN and you well know. It’s to fire them publicly as a warning to others.

perhaps you and CNN had best go back to the basement safe space to hide with Biden till this all sorts out. Lol
the expression of “putting their heads on a pike” at the corners of the white house is not a call to physically “behead” them as both CNN and you well know. It’s to fire them publicly as a warning to others.

perhaps you and CNN had best go back to the basement safe space to hide with Biden till this all sorts out. Lol

This is the trick of Trumpsters: use language like this which escalates things to the boiling point, then claim "who, me?"

People are sick of it.
This is the trick of Trumpsters: use language like this which escalates things to the boiling point, then claim "who, me?"

People are sick of it.

After 4 years of all the constant 24/7 hate speech from the loony left and from yourself ..... you have the gall to type this idiotic BS out. Be happy that your side has stolen an election with lies & deceit. And you say "who me"?
Go back to your safe space and get ready for the next 4 years of total stupidity that's coming down the pike.
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the expression of “putting their heads on a pike” at the corners of the white house is not a call to physically “behead” them as both CNN and you well know. It’s to fire them publicly as a warning to others.

perhaps you and CNN had best go back to the basement safe space to hide with Biden till this all sorts out. Lol
To the informed yes. To the psychotic deplorable its a very noticeable dog whistle.
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After 4 years of all the constant 24/7 hate speech from the loony left and from yourself ..... you have the gall to type this idiotic BS out. Be happy that your side has stolen an election with lies & deceit. And you say "who me"?
Go back to your safe space and get ready for the next 4 years of total stupidity that's coming down the pike.

Chillax. No one stole anything. The ballots are secure, and in fact look at Ga., run by GOP. Same deal.

The ballot counting like this is a function of GOP maneuvering. You need to live with that and move on.
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None of them address that specific allegation in my link but these are establishment people who have always been opposed to Trump anyway. It's no surprise that RINO's tow the Democrat line.

Yeah, we all heard you. In your world, everyone votes party line all the way down the ticket. In reality, the middle/moderates/independents don't because they look at issues objectively.

But keep on with the "ItZ AlL RiGgEd aNd a ConZpiRAcEe, RinOz r TrAit0rz!" screeching, it's super funny.
Yeah, we all heard you. In your world, everyone votes party line all the way down the ticket. In reality, the middle/moderates/independents don't because they look at issues objectively.

But keep on with the "ItZ AlL RiGgEd aNd a ConZpiRAcEe, RinOz r TrAit0rz!" screeching, it's super funny.

No, thats not how it works. Everyone does not all vote a straight party ticket. There is always some deviation there. But it's not a wild deviation and it trends about the same in every state for both candidates.

Except, oddly it appears that in swing states it is deviating wildly from non swing states. And it's not doing it for Trump. It's only doing it for Biden and its benefitting him. Only in the swing states... What a coincidence.

Dumkopf, its the opposite. Plenty of people split their ballots as a combination of liking dual control of the institutions by both parties, but a rejection of Trump.

And if anything, if the Dems were sending in all sorts of fraudulent bhllots, they'd be straight tickets, or close to it. The fact that they are not and GOP lost no house seats and maybe one Senate seat is STRONG AND COMPELLING EVIDENCE -- ACTUAL EVIDENCE -- that there is no fraud.
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Dumkopf, its the opposite. Plenty of people split their ballots as a combination of liking dual control of the institutions by both parties, but a rejection of Trump.

And if anything, if the Dems were sending in all sorts of fraudulent bhllots, they'd be straight tickets, or close to it. The fact that they are not and GOP lost no house seats and maybe one Senate seat is STRONG AND COMPELLING EVIDENCE -- ACTUAL EVIDENCE -- that there is no fraud.

Quit being ignorant and read the article. No-one here is claiming that everyone votes straight party ticket dummy.

There's always some deviation of people not voting a straight party ticket. It trends about the same for Trump in swing and non swing states.

What's odd here is for Biden the deviation is much greater in swing states. It's way out of the norm. It defies logic when looking at the numbers of every state swing and non swing. You dont see that with Trump in any state. His numbers all look normal. You only see it in swing states where it favors Bidens vote count. How convenient.
Go eat your breakfast from your dirty garbage sack to get ready to live that way for a long time now.
Come on over dude...the water's warm.
We could use someone with your enthusiasm helping support AOC in '24 (or maybe Michelle Obama...not sure which one I'll support just yet).
Yeah, we all heard you. In your world, everyone votes party line all the way down the ticket. In reality, the middle/moderates/independents don't because they look at issues objectively.

But keep on with the "ItZ AlL RiGgEd aNd a ConZpiRAcEe, RinOz r TrAit0rz!" screeching, it's super funny.
It’s incredibly odd. There needs to be an actual verifiable recount in a few states with confirmation that the voters were legit. If Biden won, he won. But let’s at least make sure there wasn’t massive cheating going on.
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It’s incredibly odd. There needs to be an actual verifiable recount in a few states with confirmation that the voters were legit. If Biden won, he won. But let’s at least make sure there wasn’t massive cheating going on.

Every comment from these ignorant guys they think that I believe all voters vote a straight party ticket. I never said that and never claimed it. The article I posted never did either. These people can't look objectively at anything.

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