This guy had a lot of power very recently. Scary

the expression of “putting their heads on a pike” at the corners of the white house is not a call to physically “behead” them as both CNN and you well know. It’s to fire them publicly as a warning to others.

perhaps you and CNN had best go back to the basement safe space to hide with Biden till this all sorts out. Lol
🤣🤣🤣 sure
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No, thats not how it works. Everyone does not all vote a straight party ticket. There is always some deviation there. But it's not a wild deviation and it trends about the same in every state for both candidates.

Except, oddly it appears that in swing states it is deviating wildly from non swing states. And it's not doing it for Trump. It's only doing it for Biden and its benefitting him. Only in the swing states... What a coincidence.

Maybe if Trump wasn’t the most obnoxiously horrendous person to ever hold that office he would have more conservatives voting for him rather than only down ballot republicans. More often than not Occam’s razor can be applied. You just don’t like the simplest answer.
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This is the trick of Trumpsters: use language like this which escalates things to the boiling point, then claim "who, me?"

People are sick of it.

It is not language people are afraid of - last I checked we are supposed to be a country where we can freely express ourselves. It is the action that is taken by the left. You speak of violent language - businesses are not boarding up because they are afraid of a bunch of conservatives marching in the street.

And yes, they are trying to steal the election. Not the pollworkers but the local Dem machines. It was stolen the moment they sent out mail in ballots. They then go and collect them, especially from housing complexes and they fill them out if they arent already and drop them in. You have a "signing party" with your operatives and the polling books that are available to the party machines. You dont want to be too crazy tho so during the delays they see how many more are needed and check the unfilled out ballots they have against the "voted" list, then sign ones that havent voted yet. Package that 10-20k or whatever is needed to comfortably overcome the margin and slip it into the election center. Usually spliting it up 5k to this county, 7k to this one, etc - but mostly where you have operatives who work at the BOE who can let you in. Maybe they dont even know what you are there for exactly (best) but they let you in because you (county party) gave them the job. If you are lucky, you have some paper and plastic seals to make the box kosher. Again, these are outsiders but who have deep inside knowledge of the election system in that state and municipality, probably who have worked inside at some levels and are now the consultant bagmen team.

I am telling you that this is not a hypothetical, I know for a FACT this is done in other elections (I have run election operations in one of the largest cities in the country) and there is no reason to think it would be different in this one. That is why it is happening only in completely Dem controlled areas and why the delay in counting helps them. Once the ballots are "in the mix" they are very hard to distinguish from any others.

If you dont believe this is the case, you also probably believe that (boosters) bagmen dont exist in college football recruiting and the various U admins can say (with a straight face) that they would never have anything to do with paying players to commit at their institution.
It’s incredibly odd. There needs to be an actual verifiable recount in a few states with confirmation that the voters were legit. If Biden won, he won. But let’s at least make sure there wasn’t massive cheating going on.

I agree, there should be recounts of anything less than 1%.
Obviously what they should do is stop the vote counting in Georgia and Pennsylvania and do a recount in Arizona like all the psychos in front vote of the voting centers suggest. Seems consistent and logical
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the expression of “putting their heads on a pike” at the corners of the white house is not a call to physically “behead” them as both CNN and you well know. It’s to fire them publicly as a warning to others.

perhaps you and CNN had best go back to the basement safe space to hide with Biden till this all sorts out. Lol
They got their figuratively and their literally mixed up.
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Quit being ignorant and read the article. No-one here is claiming that everyone votes straight party ticket dummy.

There's always some deviation of people not voting a straight party ticket. It trends about the same for Trump in swing and non swing states.

What's odd here is for Biden the deviation is much greater in swing states. It's way out of the norm. It defies logic when looking at the numbers of every state swing and non swing. You dont see that with Trump in any state. His numbers all look normal. You only see it in swing states where it favors Bidens vote count. How convenient.

Senate elections don't often overlap presidential elections, so it can be a difficult trend to identify. Senate elections often overlap mid terms. You linked an article that references Georgia as being the most egregious this year in regards to the D presidential line outperforming the D senate line. To make the claim, I would think you would compare this year's data to prior years. From the article you referenced, the D senate candidate garnered 96% of the votes that the D presidential candidate received. In 2016, the D senate candidate received 85% of the votes that the D presidential candidate received. I've seen your claim in other threads, but this occurrence may not be as suspicious as ZeroHedge makes it seem.




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It’s incredibly odd. There needs to be an actual verifiable recount in a few states with confirmation that the voters were legit. If Biden won, he won. But let’s at least make sure there wasn’t massive cheating going on.

I agree. How did Susan Collins, a Republican and strong Trump supporter, win in Maine, a blue state that hasn’t voted for a Republican president since HW Bush in 88. It went to Biden by almost 11 points and she won by 9 points. That looks like she was cheating.
I agree. How did Susan Collins, a Republican and strong Trump supporter, win in Maine, a blue state that hasn’t voted for a Republican president since HW Bush in 88. It went to Biden by almost 11 points and she won by 9 points. That looks like she was cheating.
She’s basically a Democrat
I agree. How did Susan Collins, a Republican and strong Trump supporter, win in Maine, a blue state that hasn’t voted for a Republican president since HW Bush in 88. It went to Biden by almost 11 points and she won by 9 points. That looks like she was cheating.
Maybe she did. I think McCain cheated to stay in power. Republicans in Arizona seemed to hate the guy and wondered how he kept getting elected. I wouldn’t put it past anyone that’s consistently getting elected.
the expression of “putting their heads on a pike” at the corners of the white house is not a call to physically “behead” them as both CNN and you well know. It’s to fire them publicly as a warning to others.

perhaps you and CNN had best go back to the basement safe space to hide with Biden till this all sorts out. Lol

His defense lawyers in his Build the Wall scam want out. The real Bannon has been standing up

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