No matter what, we'll always be above the Tide Fans as long as our fanbase doesn't commit at least three atrocities:
1.) Name an offspring "Go Vols", or "Rocky Top" (although "Rocky Top" wouldn't be as bad as "Krymson Tyde", since "Rocky" is at least a name many people have.
2.) Beat up/down a random husband and father, in front of his family, no less, simply because the Vols lost.
3.) Most importantly, a Vols fan buss's a kap ina 'nuther Vols' fan arse for not having a nervous breakdown over a loss. I don't care what anyone says, that doesn't happen over being spoiled by winning; it happens because people are mentally disturbed, and pathetic. Mostly pathetic.
So yeah, until our fanbase commits all three of the aforementioned facts (and, let's be honest, even if that DOES happen), we'll be safely above them.