A pretty big one would be, he'd have to be interested and I doubt he would after getting fired and not having support from the administration.
I believe he would take the job back if it was offered. I could be totally wrong there, but he seems like he hasn't went as far away from the program as most would.
If we were to fire CM after this season. What are the reasons we should not bring back BP? Isn't the show clause up after this season anyway?
Honor, Integrity, Class, Reputation... that just names a few.
Good coach? Yes
Bad liar? Yes- caught twice with doing the same thing.
The question is why WOULD we bring him back.All about the WINS right? If thats the answer then good luck in life.
Last thing we need is the NCAA parked in our backyard.
I'm not saying you do not have valid points, but this isn't the 50s anymore. I would say 90% of college coaches out there have done the same, if not much worse. Do you watch the games because of those qualities mentioned or do you watch to see UT win. When UT doesn't win, do you say well we lost with Honor, integrity, and class.
Yeah if tony dungy would have lost it on the sidelines the Colts would have won five superbowls. Makes perfect sense.
You do not have to lose it to show a little emotion. I know coach Martin philosophy is to always be in control However, all sporting physical activity requires aggressive emotion. I have participated in and studied sports which requires physical activity. The most effective coaches I have had were not afraid to demonstrate emotion where it is called. In fact they often wore in on the sleeve and as a player you new if they thought you were not give it you all you were going to get your butt chewed out. Your answer is Saban.