this is why we've become a laughing stock.

It's time that we cut the military to a size that allows for defense of the homeland and nothing else. If politicians feel the need to send expeditionary forces out for "noble causes" then they should have to call for a draft.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

With you all the way up to a draft. Not a big fan of a draft. I was born in Parkersburg WV and from my viewpoint and the stories my dad tells and can back up it appears the draft was a very good way to kill off a large percentage of the poor population.

I am for a very strong air force and navy that can drop bombs on Mars if they wanted to and not for invading other countries unless we are actually being attacked.
With you all the way up to a draft. Not a big fan of a draft. I was born in Parkersburg WV and from my viewpoint and the stories my dad tells and can back up it appears the draft was a very good way to kill off a large percentage of the poor population.

Get rid of loopholes.
No offense but um no. My kids will not be going into the military as long as we are fighting idiotic wars and this country is falling backwards at the speed of light.

If there was a draft, my kids would be on the first plane out of Nashville heading to the Cayman Islands.
No offense but um no. My kids will not be going into the military as long as we are fighting idiotic wars and this country is falling backwards at the speed of light.

If there was a draft, my kids would be on the first plane out of Nashville heading to the Cayman Islands.

Expeditionary forces built only through conscription would limit idiotic and reactionary wars, IMO.

Eighteen-year-olds are going to vote against war-hawk type politicians if they know that they might be drafted. Serious debate would have to take place prior to any expeditionary action and those actions would have serious political ramifications. Would we be in Afghanistan if a draft had been required? Probably. Would we have been in Iraq? I highly doubt it.
Wouldn't send my kid to Afghan either.

I'm not trying to be a jerk but I could care less what happens in that country. It is not my fight. They need to rise up against their problem the way 200 years ago we rose up against the British. I don't believe in sending American soldiers to any war that doesn't directly impact the freedom of America. WW2 I was for. Everything since seems to deal more with money.
Wouldn't send my kid to Afghan either.

I'm not trying to be a jerk but I could care less what happens in that country. It is not my fight. They need to rise up against their problem the way 200 years ago we rose up against the British. I don't believe in sending American soldiers to any war that doesn't directly impact the freedom of America. WW2 I was for. Everything since seems to deal more with money.

I would not want to send my child to any war. However, without conscription on the table, the Defense Budget will continue to be huge due to our supposed need to be ready to fight anywhere in the world.

As a historic correction: we rose up against the British ourselves; we defeated the British due to the financial and military aid of France.
I would not want to send my child to any war. However, without conscription on the table, the Defense Budget will continue to be huge due to our supposed need to be ready to fight anywhere in the world.

As a historic correction: we rose up against the British ourselves; we defeated the British due to the financial and military aid of France.

Money and man power aren't the same thing. If you want to talk about funding wars, I have a totally different belief then. I didn't mention France because we were talking about actual boots on the ground.

I am all for dropping bombs and overthrowing governments by "other means" than our actual soldiers. Reagan took out Russia without a single shot.
Money and man power aren't the same thing. If you want to talk about funding wars, I have a totally different belief then. I didn't mention France because we were talking about actual boots on the ground.

The French did commit forces.
The reason we MIGHT be considered such a joke is because of our K-12 public education system. In fact, we are a joke when we issue high school diplomas to people who don't the difference in week and weak:birgits_giggle:

You're assuming he has a HS diploma.

Seriously though, we do not need to insert ourselves into this mess.
Payback for the 7 year war and some stupid pipedream about nation building are not the same thing.

They committed five infantry battalions that were instrumental in winning the war.

Their navy patrolled the Eastern Shoreboard and consistently engaged in large naval battles with the British.

Read a history book.
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De Grasse chasing the British fleet off at the Virginia Capes was the end of Cornwallis hopes at Yorktown.
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De Grasse chasing the British fleet off at the Virginia Capes was the end of Cornwallis hopes at Yorktown.
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But... But they were French. At some point they sat down, had some cheese and surrendered to the British, right?
But... But they were French. At some point they sat down, had some cheese and surrendered to the British, right?


It was shortly after the British sat down, had some tea and surrendered to the Americans.
There is a general tendency to refrain from being the grammar/spelling police on the politics site because it distracts from the message. We all make mistakes. Cheap shots are easy and juvenile.

It wasn't grammar or spelling.

Lets get this clear: I do not need you telling me what the general tendencies are in the posting behavior of the board. I figured that out a long time ago.

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