This is worse than the UNC loss in 2000

I have not been this upset about a UT loss, in ANY sport, in a very, very, very long time.

I am scrolling through a list of TN football games and honestly, it's LSU in the SECCG in 2001. No football loss in the last half-decade has hurt this bad. Maybe it's because we haven't really played for anything in football since then, other than the SECCG when we were pretty obviously overmatched against Auburn, but it's been awhile since I walked away from a game not even wanting to talk to anyone. I wouldn't let myself get excited about it all week, but once we were up by 20, I could really start to see this team in the Final Four. Ten miles from my house. And then we frittered away the lead, and then it was over.

I don't even care about my bracket anymore. Memphis, Florida, whatever. By Sunday I'll care again, I suppose, but right now I just don't even want to think about basketball.

(Which is why I'm still sitting awake at 3 am thinking about it. Agh.)
This loss has really broken my heart tho becuase i dont fell like Ohio State is really that good outside of Conley and Oden (which wasnt that much of a factor the whole game) they really just got the points wherever they had a chance so i really feel like we were supposed to win that game and it hurts to have been up 20 and not being able to put the game away... but thats happened to us a few times this season where we've been up big and finished poorly(Auburn, which went on a 20-3 run i believe to beat us by a couple points.... Kentucky in knoxville, even tho we won we were up 20 and they made a game of it.... we were up nearly 30 in knoxville against florida and they made a drastic comeback to pull within 6 at one point... and then tonight, so yea i am very dissappointed at UT right now i dont know if it is the inexperience to blame for this letdown or just the great play from OSU, but all i kno is im a little pisd right now and i really dont want to hear any excuses, maybe in the morning i'll be more understanding to this loss, but as of right now, and i speak for nearly all UT fans, i really dont wanna hear anything of why we lost we just should have won... and they do have promise for next season but the closest championship was just 3 games away if we had wonm who cares about next season right now...
Yeah, Ron Lewis, he's not any good.
This loss has really broken my heart tho becuase i dont fell like Ohio State is really that good outside of Conley and Oden (which wasnt that much of a factor the whole game) they really just got the points wherever they had a chance so i really feel like we were supposed to win that game and it hurts to have been up 20 and not being able to put the game away... but thats happened to us a few times this season where we've been up big and finished poorly(Auburn, which went on a 20-3 run i believe to beat us by a couple points.... Kentucky in knoxville, even tho we won we were up 20 and they made a game of it.... we were up nearly 30 in knoxville against florida and they made a drastic comeback to pull within 6 at one point... and then tonight, so yea i am very dissappointed at UT right now i dont know if it is the inexperience to blame for this letdown or just the great play from OSU, but all i kno is im a little pisd right now and i really dont want to hear any excuses, maybe in the morning i'll be more understanding to this loss, but as of right now, and i speak for nearly all UT fans, i really dont wanna hear anything of why we lost we just should have won... and they do have promise for next season but the closest championship was just 3 games away if we had wonm who cares about next season right now...

Wow. That was impressive. When I started reading your post, it took about eight to ten lines before I actively started looking for the period to end the sentence. That is without a doubt the longest runon sentence I've ever seen. :good!:
UT relies too much on the 3-pointer, they don't have much of an inside presence at all, they're really young, and they are atrocious at the free throw line. Those are four things that will cause you to lose in the NCAA tournament. UT should consider themselves lucky to have reached the Sweet 16 by squeaking by Virginia.
With the young, undersized, and inexperienced rotation of Chism, Crews, and Childress-- it's hard not to rely on the 3-point jumper. Don't worry, they're going nowhere but up from this point.
UT relies too much on the 3-pointer, they don't have much of an inside presence at all, they're really young, and they are atrocious at the free throw line. Those are four things that will cause you to lose in the NCAA tournament. UT should consider themselves lucky to have reached the Sweet 16 by squeaking by Virginia.

Thank you for reminding me that we're supposed to suck. Why, now I feel stupid for even caring about tonight's game, since the conclusion was obviously foreordained. What a lovely and refreshing perspective you provide.
423 is just mad because he hopped off the bandwagon too long ago and realized we are catching up too fast.
Yes it hurts! I had several thoughts going through my head. One of which was we should of seen it coming! How many big leads have we blown this year? Thought 2 is coaching with a big lead the one chink in Bruce's armor? (not a slam, love the guy!). There were several turning points, but the one that sticks out for me is Bradshaw missing the bunny and they go down and stick a 3. I think we saw what it takes to step up to the next level.

sidenote: as I said last week OSU seems to play better w/o Oden!
It was a heart breaker. It hurts worse becuase we care more. We fell in love with this team. They played as well as we can. The future is very bright. This will be a learning experience for the Freshman, Lofton, and J Smith.
I remember being so upset about the UNC loss in 2000. I was only a kid, but I was really into the thought of UT in the Final Four.

Now that I am a student, I am devestated to a whole other level. The memories of this season have been priceless, and the home undefeated mark is one I am very proud of since I was at all but 2 games.

While I love this group of freshmen, I will be uspet next year when I look out and see that #23 isn't on the court. I hope they can all learn more from Dane before he leaves.
Far worse . . . You knew going in that we were going to lose to UNC.

It always hurts to lose, but I disagree that this hurts more. We blew that game too, and that UNC team wasn't anywhere near as good as OSU.

UNC was a worse seed than we were in that game and clearly was the underdog that year (even though it was UNC). This year we were going against the #1 team in every single poll imaginable, and we still could've won.

Hang your heads high, Vol Fans. There's much more great basketball out there for all of us.
it just hurts so much worse because we played so well in the 1st half, simply blowing them out. then in the second half we pulled a Phil and played not to lose, sat on the lead, and ended up being embarassed as the team that blew the big lead. i dont think it would hurt as much if we were blown out but, it does since we had them, we were going to the elite 8 to play a team we've already blown out once in Memphis, but instead the season's over.

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