This Team Looks Unprepared

Our problem today is offense. Yeah, the defense is getting punched, but when the offense is three-and-out all game, the defense is going to give up 38 points to Oregon's offense.

We have little to no passing game and you can't win against quality opponents without one.
they don't look unprepared. They look outmanned, which is exactly what any rational person knew since April.

They look both. And, why try to run outside plays and short passes against a team that is so much faster? THe one place we have the upper hand in the O line- why not line up in the I and run the ball right at them ? That would lessen their off. plays and let the our defense rest a little? I think Butch is choking, trying to play the game like we have similar talent- what a laugh that is. Where are the trick plays, on-side kicks, fake punts, etc? Playing not to lose against the Ducks will get u completely embarrassed .
Anyone that didn't see today coming, has not been paying attention the last 5 years.

We are a very slow team compared to most powerhouse programs. Fortunately help is on the way, but it will take two or three years. In the last ten years the game has changed but our recruiting has not changed.
Anyone that didn't see today coming, has not been paying attention the last 5 years.
Amen. Struggling to get in bowl games the past 5 years, vs a team who has been a national championship contender the past 5 years. You don't just magically hire you're way into a talent level that matches theirs in the very first year.
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Um they looked good the 1st couple series. This hurry up and speed is just too much. Oregon is #2 in the country for a reason. So please shut up.
Well those that siad earlier this week that Oregon isn't any faster than we are, are still in denial!
They are not beating us so much with speed as the are with play calling. How many time have they thrown to their TE who was wide open because no one covered him? All the speed in the world won't make up for blown coverage that allows receivers to run 5 yds pass the db before he realizes he's supposed to be covering him.
Guys WAKE UP!!! We're just not that good! Stop *****ing about play calling, coaching, etc. The bottom line is their athletes are in an entirely different class from our athletes. Until CBJ can recruit and fill his roster with elite talent, this is what we're going to be forced to watch for the next 2-3 years. It's going to take time! Look at programs like Clemson and South Carolina. Sweeny and Spurrier did not build those programs over night. Just sit back, relax, and show a little patience. We have the right coach. We are moving in the right direction now. But we're not good enough to play with these guys (they're the #2 ranked team in the country folks and we are unranked).

Couldn't agree more.
People expected us to lose.
We are playing the #2 ranked country in the entire nation at the loudest stadium in the county playing an offensive that operates at hyper speed.

We build the football program brick by brick,
less shrug this loss off, and take out our aggression against Florida.
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Wolfe--- have fun posting here. Your negative attitude and continuing to degrade the team will soon have you banned. Sick of your posts. Hope you had fun
you can't give Oregon the ball inside their own 40 yard line regardless what the color guy for ABC says.

Nobody gives a s*** what the color guy for ABC says. When you're doing a decent job against the number two team in the nation on the road, it wouldn't hurt to have a little faith in your team on a couple of 4th downs.
I don't know about unprepared, they just have a duck standing on their gonads and it hasn't picked it's foot up yet
we are embarrassing. don't know if we could even win the mac. hell clawson at BG would probably take us.

He's baaaack! Good old Champy Vol! At least you are consistent! It was quite pleasant while you had nothing to ***** about!

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