Obviously, there was a couple of things going on this weekend on our team which raised our collective blood pressure.
For Uniforms, I did attend a game back in Butch Jones era when the “Smokey Gray’s” were introduced. What our team wore this weekend (a mix between gray and orange) really didn’t do anything for me. I did like the “Smokey Grey” helmet from long ago… just being honest.
Moving Forward (especially in the Swamp), our team certainly has what it takes to come back with a win… and follow it up with an a$$ whipping of SCAR back in Neyland. Just need to clean up our game like our team did last season.
For those who can’t remember, we we’re actually in very close games with Pitt (Johnny Majors Classic part 2) and Florida (checkered Neyland) just last year early on.
Our team delivered what we desired… I’m certainly one who will place my faith in coaching staff and players to continue to provide us with the excitement and pleasure we had seemingly forgotten for over a decade.
Let’s all remember where we were and we we are now… and be thankful for the latter. I’m personally thinking not “running through the “T”was some bad karma.
Beat the heck out of those Gators!
Go VOLS!!!