The problem with having too many bowls is we often end up with worse matchups in the mid-tier bowl games. We'll have a 8-4 team playing a 5-7 team and a 8-4 team playing a 6-6 team when the two 8-4 teams should be playing each other.
The problem with having too many bowls is we often end up with worse matchups in the mid-tier bowl games. We'll have a 8-4 team playing a 5-7 team and a 8-4 team playing a 6-6 team when the two 8-4 teams should be playing each other.
I know everything is based on money and sponsorship but I miss the old USF&G Sugar Bowl, the Georgia Peach Bowl, the Tangerine Bowl, etc.. What about you guys? Does the Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl and all of these other sponsored bowls matter to ya'll?
Kind of a strange complaint considering the trend is for bowls to go back to "regular" names.
The Chik-Fil-A Bowl went back to the Peach Bowl and the Captial One Bowl went back to the Citrus Bowl. The sponser in the name is just the new normal, not to mention "USF&G" was the sponser of the Sugar Bowl back in the day.
Also, considering The Peach Bowl is one of the New Year Six Bowls and will be a playoff game every few years, yeah it matters.
It is a nice trend. It was the Sun Bowl that was the first to take on a completely corporate name. "The John Hancock Bowl".