I first saw this in the latest Rocky movie. All of them riding wheelies on 4 wheelers and dirtbikes. I thought to myself, "those things are 2 stroke, so loud a cop in Philly could follow the sound from 10 blocks away. No way that ever happens." I doubt the movie inspired the trend, but i bet it made it more widespread. Lets face it, in those big cities like philly, chicago, heck even central atlanta...there is nowhere at all...zero...nowhere...that it is legal to ride a 4 wheeler or dirtbike. Cant exactly ride that around on a .25 acre lot...and with gentrification, those .25 acre lots downtown have half million dollar houses on them. Even in bad neighborhoods that havent been bought out yet...they are tiny lots with tiny crap houses on them. No room to ride. So how do these thugs get away with it? Seems like they would be heard and get pulled over before they made it 2 blocks from the house...a gang of 50 of them? You could hear that a mile away...riding wheelies requires throttle wide open...
Is this yet another symptom of cops hiding in plain sight ? The old "just our presence deters crime" stance has led to a bunch of cops sitting in parking lots or the side of the interstate on facebook all day looking for some strange....causes traffic problems, and lets thugs like this roam wild. Seriously...roll down your car windows and you can hear a dirtbike or 4 wheeler for a mile....no excuse for this