I think Tiffany's dad is finally getting the Florida sister and bunch just wanted him for money. IDK if it's rented in his name or hers, but he gave her $3,000 to get moved into a place for them. She got her old cleaning job back, and he's been helping her while there, and letting her keep all the money for rent. He's been with us for about a week, and headed back yesterday. She kept texting Tiffany telling her to tell him not to come back yet, but Tiffany stayed out of it. He drove back yesterday, never could get her to answer, and finally one of her kids said she'd went and rented a hotel for the weekend with some guy she met online. Leaving him with nowhere to go, so he's driving back here right now. I just hope he didn't rent in his name, cause she'll end up ruining his credit. She also told her to tell him to hurry and sell his house, she's wanting that $. Tiffany said she talked to him earlier while he was driving, I think he finally sees they were taking advantage of his emotions. It's a screwed up situation, I feel bad for him.