Tik tok gonna track certain Americans

tiktok is a chinese company that spies on citizens with facial recognition. You people are nuts.
This all day. Anyone using it is letting the Chinese government glean as much info from you that they can from your tide pod, milk crate, and blackout challenges. Forgot to mention the orbeez challenge where stupid f##king teenagers are shooting small children and women with these things.
If you carry a phone you're being tracked by multiple entities

If you've not done anything wrong, that isn't so bad in it's self (terrorists and such). It's when you start mixing in all the other nefarious, and mid level bad guys, the ad trackers, the data stealers, the reliance on technology you don't have any control over, and the whole shebang is actually working AGAINST you, rather than FOR you. It gets real scary when you realize it's completely out of control. Everyone is databased from birth to death, and all that data is available to those who want it. Eventually, and ultimately, building artificial life to watch over you, and think for you, and EVEN influence you. It's a virtual feedback loop. The more you click, the more it feeds you. You got people out here playing GOD behind the scenes UNCHECKED.

It cannot be stopped, but I can make it a son of bitch for them. Apple can kiss my sorry human ass. I got it ALL turned off. ALL of it.
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This. Who cares? Hell I voluntary let State Farm track my every movement for a discount on insurance. Sooo scary
Just for the sake of discussion, how will you feel about it if you have a wreck, even if it isn't your fault, and they deny your claim because they say your phone's gps shows you were speeding?

They wouldn't do that though would they?
If you've not done anything wrong, that isn't so bad in it's self (terrorists and such). It's when you start mixing in all the other nefarious, and mid level bad guys, the ad trackers, the data stealers, the reliance on technology you don't have any control over, and the whole shebang is actually working AGAINST you, rather than FOR you. It gets real scary when you realize it's completely out of control. Everyone is databased from birth to death, and all that data is available to those who want it. Eventually, and ultimately, building artificial life to watch over you, and think for you, and EVEN influence you. It's a virtual feedback loop. The more you click, the more it feeds you. You got people out here playing GOD behind the scenes UNCHECKED.

It cannot be stopped, but I can make it a son of bitch for them. Apple can kiss my sorry human ass. I got it ALL turned off. ALL of it.
So, er, how do you post here? Send a carrier pigeon with your message to a friend who post it?
You mentioned the 'bad guys' having everyone's data. Who are the good guys?
I gotta admit..all our devices talking to one another is downright creepy. Backdoors. Heck now with this Alexa stuff as well. Notice that XFinity offers it as standard TV equipment, and of course your phone and puter route thru the service.

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