I imagine Bear Bryant would have been toast in this day and age. I'd wager a few coaches had some flashbacks when this report came out. There is a lot of pressure to win even at lesser schools.
If a modern coach tried to do what Bryant did at Junction they'd be taken apart by the media and probably run out of the business.
lol could you imagine? There would be lawsuits, national media coverage of Bryant's "military-style boot camp", boosters publicly threatening to pull support, and Bryant would not give a single f....because he knows how to build winning football teams.
Not an awful idea. They could and probably will do worse. Fulmer would bring stability and class. Give him 3-4 years and he'd consistently have them on the plus side of .500. Fulmer could have moderate success in the weak Big 10.
IF Coach Fulmer even wanted to get back into coaching, this is the type of job I think he'd really consider. They don't play UT, there wouldn't be a lot of job pressure, and they play in a weak conference.
Some things are more important then winning. Like making sure you don't injure a player long term. Nothing wrong with what Bryant did at the time because we didn't know any better. Head injuries and concussions are scary stuff.
I agree with your assessment but the only thing that I think keeps fulmer from being a perfect candidate is he will not go the exrta mile to recruit like he needs to in Illinois
Fulmer would be a great fit for Texas Tech or Cal imo
He wouldn't have to go the extra mile to recruit at Illinois. All he'd have to do is sign classes mainly of 3 stars with 1 or 2 4 stars and he'd be set to win 7-9 games a year. His name and ring alone would recruit enough for him to comfortably get by on.