My suggestion to gays that do not like to be ridiculed and treated badly, don't let guys stick a certain portion of their anatomy up certain parts of yours.He should take how he feels about the way African Americans were treated and try to see that gays are also in some or many ways treated like African Americans were. African Americans had it way worse but you get the idea.
The more I listen to the interview, the more stunned I am. Dan all but said "Hey, Tim. You just kind of messed up. Here's your chance to save yourself." Instead of collecting himself and defusing a situation, Tim went totally insane.Hardaway and Rocker both suffer from the same disease "Meathead with a Microphone".
The more I listen to the interview, the more stunned I am. Dan all but said "Hey, Tim. You just kind of messed up. Here's your chance to save yourself." Instead of collecting himself and defusing a situation, Tim went totally insane.
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This is exactly how I feel and what I would say if I was a good writer.
The more I listen to the interview, the more stunned I am. Dan all but said "Hey, Tim. You just kind of messed up. Here's your chance to save yourself." Instead of collecting himself and defusing a situation, Tim went totally insane.
If he didn't use the word "hate" and used the word "don't like" or "don't agree with the lifestyle" I could have lived with that. He shouldn't have said it, but alot of people say things in the heat of the moment that they don't mean to say in the way he did. I am a Christian as well and I don't believe in society's standards of sexuality, but I can't change it by myself. I will say this much, the "straight-white man" is a minority right now. We don't have many rights anymore as far as what we can say, because if we say what we think we get chastised for it and ridiculed.
dude, that "straight-white man" is a minority business is complete B.S. When I look around my office, I'd say that the "straight-white man" is doing pretty well and at the end of the day, being able to provide for yourself and your family is the only thing that matters. I lost respect for Hardaway on that move. There are certain things that you do not say at work and that was one of them. Why is he so a$$ hurt(no pun intended) that this guy is a homosexual? How does that affect his ability to function as a human being?
Has anyone from the government told you you can't hold that belief? I didn't think so. People should actually learn the definition of censorship before spouting off about how the government is engaging in the practice thereof.I never said one word about being finacially stable. I am referring to Speech Rights and Expression Rights. Our government has taken our "Freedom of Speech" which is a fundamental right and made it into censorship. If you say something someone may or may not like then you are made to be a bigot or someone who is not tolerant. I am not tolerant of a homosexual or their lifestyle, but I do not hate them. I do not condone what they do, but they will have to answer to God for what they do and I will have to answer for what I do. I believe that Hardaway choose the wrong words for the situation, but I do agree that homosexuality does not belong in this world. I cannot change the fact that it is here nor can I stop it myself, so I just let it be because I can't do anything about it. Saying you "hate" something can start a big fire which Hardaway is in right now.