Time zone factor vs Oregon



Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2008
Has anyone mentioned the time zone factor yet?
It will be a 12:00 their time kick off. To us on the east coast it will be 3:30.
I've always heard it said that it is easy to go and play from east to west coast than vice versa. Our guys will physically and mentally feel as if its 3:30. Wide awake and ready to go!!!
I know no lead is is big enough for us against the quick quack attack but maybe we can catch them napping a bit for 2 qrts, then Butch lights the fire, makes more adjustments at half time and we play smash mouth football to squeeze out a victory.
Any given Saturday!!

I'll hang up and listen to your comments.
Heck yeah!!
Feel better going to Oregon with CBJ than with the Doolfus.
Want to see how this team responds to adversity this week.
Vols will have it much easier coming out here than the Ducks did going to Knoxville imo.

Early ish game will mitigate the zone change, better football weather, playing in Neyland Stadium is much better preparation for Autzen than vice versa. Our guys were a little starstruck early on and UT made them pay for it. If it weren't for the lightning delay we might have had a much bigger hole to climb out of.
Vols will have it much easier coming out here than the Ducks did going to Knoxville imo.

Early ish game will mitigate the zone change, better football weather, playing in Neyland Stadium is much better preparation for Autzen than vice versa. Our guys were a little starstruck early on and UT made them pay for it. If it weren't for the lightning delay we might have had a much bigger hole to climb out of.

We had no depth, ran out of gas. That was a late kickoff probably 3pm Eugene time. East to west flying is a longer flight due to west head winds, due to time change you wake up much earlier than usual probably 4 am for UT players, long day.
Time zone is not an issue for this game. I've traveled frequently from East to West and back and at the time they're arriving, it won't be a factor either way.
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Onterrio Smith was able to leave Knoxville for Oregon and still get arrested at 4:00 AM Pacific.

Thus, time zone should be no issue.

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Heck of a running back, too bad he was such a knucklehead. How does he ever live down the wizzinator thing?
Do you guys think playing them in a day game instead of at night will be slightly helpful?
Do you guys think playing them in a day game instead of at night will be slightly helpful?

Personally, I see it as "advantage Ducks". Most Oregon games are afternoon starts so that the Ducks can get East Coast viewers, especially high profile opponents. Much better TV ratings for day games simply because of the time zones.
Playing the game at 3:30 ET probably helps UT in getting ready for UF. They'll be home by 1:30AM or so. Last year, at MSU they probably didn't get back until 4:00AM.

1:30 ins't a big deal to these guys.
I have to travel out west for work quite frequently. I know that the first two days out there, I'm usually up by 4 AM. By 3:30, I start to drag a little bit.
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Tonight on Vol Calls, CBJ said the team will remain on Tennessee time and kickoff will be at 3:30. It will keep them in a routine instead of changing it up (hopefully).
I have to travel out west for work quite frequently. I know that the first two days out there, I'm usually up by 4 AM. By 3:30, I start to drag a little bit.

I think this trip will be so quick that it won't matter that much.

Remember, these are kids. Plus, they aren't trompsing through airports like we do for travel.
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We had no depth, ran out of gas. That was a late kickoff probably 3pm Eugene time. East to west flying is a longer flight due to west head winds, due to time change you wake up much earlier than usual probably 4 am for UT players, long day.

You may want to rethink that last statement. If they get up at 8:00 AM on the West Coast, it is like waking up an noon in Knoxville.

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