Time zone factor vs Oregon

Time zone is not an issue for this game. I've traveled frequently from East to West and back and at the time they're arriving, it won't be a factor either way.
Couldn't agree MORE. I traveled this country on business for 30 years, including trips to Knoxville (UT was a client), and time zones and jet lag are non-existent issues when it's only a three hour time difference.

Only way it could possibly be a problem is if someone "makes" it a problem by worrying about it. I've seen people get "air sick" sitting in an aircraft on the ground just because they "knew they were going to get air sick". That's why you stay in the front of the bus with the seasoned travelers when flying. Avoid the newbies and never start a conversation with a "seat mate" until you are "LANDING " or you'll be locked into conversations about their kids toe nail diseases.
You may want to rethink that last statement. If they get up at 8:00 AM on the West Coast, it is like waking up an noon in Knoxville.

My point is if your body is use to waking up at 8 am east coast time I arrive the night before and go to bed, I usually wake up at 5 am which is 8 am east coast time, by 2 pm I am tired. I have made this trip hundreds of times for business and it never fails.
Do they usually wait that long, or is it class conflicts?

well we don't often fly that far so I'm not sure :)

I believe it has to do with keeping the team on an east coast schedule they would normally follow for a 3:30 game. Time zones shouldn't affect them for only one day
well we don't often fly that far so I'm not sure :)

I believe it has to do with keeping the team on an east coast schedule they would normally follow for a 3:30 game. Time zones shouldn't affect them for only one day

I don't think it will affect them either. Just thought they would want more time to practice and relax.
I don't think it will affect them either. Just thought they would want more time to practice and relax.

It's just a walk-through to locate the play-clocks, sideline proximity to the seats, any other quirks the stadium may have.

They'll be in the hotel by 7 or 8.

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