Times Free Press Recruiting Article

This calms my fears for a second...

...but then I remember that fake field goal...

...and I am terrified again.

I hate when people compare Butch to Saban. But I can think of a long feild goal Saban wishies he would have faked.

If it converts he would be praised. Coach Jones went for the win. You can't blame him for that. Netheir you or I get paid to coach, but I agree with the call.
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Dooley had to focus on areas that he knew best which is a bigger and better recruiting area than Memphis...ATL. This was discussed for a while. Mem is known to have some shady HS coaches so it's not surprising. Dooley knew he couldn't afford to bring in players that have issues, and brought in on shady terms...ie kiffins class. CBJ has benefited from this as we can tell as he has had little major player issues in his first year. CBJ doesn't know the ins and outs of the south and it's recruiting yet. Kiffin was/is shady so of course he was all "about it bout it" in memphis, and why they liked him. CBJ is just to naive to know any better and just hope he doesn't get burned. If anything, one of Dooley's faults was knowing way to much about the SEC, and not being able to explain that knowledge in simple fan terms or "coach/salesman speak".

Let's face it this recruiting cycle for TN is an odd one all around and CBJ is benefiting from it...ie..abnormally high # of legacies and good TN talent plus the ability to sign higher # than the regular amount. Simple. We have a #2 class with what 31 or so players, and the other teams in the top 5 have #1bama (23 commits), #3 Mia (28), UGA (16), Aggies (18).
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I won't comment on the CDD stuff, you're likely close on some of it.

I don't think CBJ is naïve in any sense of the word. Shady recruiting tactics have been all across the US since Heck was a pup. Mamfuss ain't the only place that happens.

Coach Jones has a large class this year because he took a small class last year. The others you are listing above are only -'at this time'- No telling the size of their classes come May 31, the last day to sign, which is not NSD.
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FWIW I coached basketball in Memphis. Had our football coach tell me Dooley never called or sent any assistants to the school. Actually he was high on Kiffin. One of our kids signed with Cincy when Butch was there. This coach stated Butch and his assistants were the absolute best at selling themselves and their programs. He went as far as calling him the most dynamic college coach he had ever been around...and that included Saban. So maybe this will calm your fears about CBJ.

Thank you, sir. I believe many on here came to realize more about Dooley after he left. I also believe Butch REALLY CARES about the kids coming in. Well, we'll see how it all works out but Butch definitely has my support.
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Someone asked Dooley last year if he was going to attend, he pointed to his hair and said this sh## doesn't take care of itself
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That was a great play call. If it had worked, we would have won. If the FG had been made, we still would have lost. Poor execution by the players.

I'm not sure what else our players should have done.
The play failed because the one Vandy defender in that area backed up when the holder ran around and behind him. If that Vandy player would have charged at Palardy, the holder would have been wide open and could have come back to catch the ball, and would have probably scored a TD.

That play looked like it needed the defense to be caught off guard and completely lose the holder in the shuffle.

It easily could have gone for a pick six. Good thing the holder was right there to make the tackle.
I won't comment on the CDD stuff, you're likely close on some of it.

I don't think CBJ is naïve in any sense of the word. Shady recruiting tactics have been all across the US since Heck was a pup. Mamfuss ain't the only place that happens.

Coach Jones has a large class this year because he took a small class last year. The others you are listing above are only -'at this time'- No telling the size of their classes come May 31, the last day to sign, which is not NSD.

I understand how recruiting works, but that wasn't my pt. My pt is how we have a #2 class with 32 commits, and other teams have a lot less and they r still around us. Yes there is quality there but once NSD comes are we going to be there or lower and then this place goes cray cray about it??

It's the quality vs quantity type deal I'm trying to figure out atm. Bama, aggies and others obviously have great quality in small quantity. We have high quality with solid quality or so we hope it's solid+ quality once they start hitting the field.

Also, I understand CBJ has recruited around. But he's in a different league now. UT is getting his foot in the door where before he'd be lucky to get in or he'd get the scraps. He's in the Champagne Room now and that's a totally different party. Things are done different in there. That's all I'm saying.
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He is a gifted recruiter, maybe one of the best. No one can argue that...
Will it ultimately lead to consistent success? God I hope so...
I understand how recruiting works, but that wasn't my pt. My pt is how we have a #2 class with 32 commits, and other teams have a lot less and they r still around us. Yes there is quality there but once NSD comes are we going to be there or lower and then this place goes cray cray about it??

It's the quality vs quantity type deal I'm trying to figure out atm. Bama, aggies and others obviously have great quality in small quantity. We have high quality with solid quality or so we hope it's solid+ quality once they start hitting the field.

Also, I understand CBJ has recruited around. But he's in a different league now. UT is getting his foot in the door where before he'd be lucky to get in or he'd get the scraps. He's in the Champagne Room now and that's a totally different party. Things are done different in there. That's all I'm saying.
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if you understand recruiting, then you would have known rivals only counts the top 20 commits on each team.
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Man its awesome to see how hard Butch & his staff are working to get these young men to come to TN. That damn Dooley was a joke that's 3 yrs of TN football I wished we could wipe out.
Dooley had to focus on areas that he knew best which is a bigger and better recruiting area than Memphis...ATL. This was discussed for a while. Mem is known to have some shady HS coaches so it's not surprising. Dooley knew he couldn't afford to bring in players that have issues, and brought in on shady terms...ie kiffins class. CBJ has benefited from this as we can tell as he has had little major player issues in his first year. CBJ doesn't know the ins and outs of the south and it's recruiting yet. Kiffin was/is shady so of course he was all "about it bout it" in memphis, and why they liked him. CBJ is just to naive to know any better and just hope he doesn't get burned. If anything, one of Dooley's faults was knowing way to much about the SEC, and not being able to explain that knowledge in simple fan terms or "coach/salesman speak".

Let's face it this recruiting cycle for TN is an odd one all around and CBJ is benefiting from it...ie..abnormally high # of legacies and good TN talent plus the ability to sign higher # than the regular amount. Simple. We have a #2 class with what 31 or so players, and the other teams in the top 5 have #1bama (23 commits), #3 Mia (28), UGA (16), Aggies (18).
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If Dooley was concentrating so hard on ATL then why don't we have more kids on the roster from that area?

A lot of us had high hopes for Dooley's recruiting ability because of his résumé at LSU as R Cord. You would think he learned something from Saban beyond being organized. Things like building relationships with HS coaches and getting in on recruits early to build relationships with them. It's coming out all over the region, not just Memphis, that Dooley was terrible at these things.
Dooley had to focus on areas that he knew best which is a bigger and better recruiting area than Memphis...ATL. This was discussed for a while. Mem is known to have some shady HS coaches so it's not surprising. Dooley knew he couldn't afford to bring in players that have issues, and brought in on shady terms...ie kiffins class. CBJ has benefited from this as we can tell as he has had little major player issues in his first year. CBJ doesn't know the ins and outs of the south and it's recruiting yet. Kiffin was/is shady so of course he was all "about it bout it" in memphis, and why they liked him. CBJ is just to naive to know any better and just hope he doesn't get burned. If anything, one of Dooley's faults was knowing way to much about the SEC, and not being able to explain that knowledge in simple fan terms or "coach/salesman speak".

Let's face it this recruiting cycle for TN is an odd one all around and CBJ is benefiting from it...ie..abnormally high # of legacies and good TN talent plus the ability to sign higher # than the regular amount. Simple. We have a #2 class with what 31 or so players, and the other teams in the top 5 have #1bama (23 commits), #3 Mia (28), UGA (16), Aggies (18).
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Bigger and better recruiting, ok lets look at his recruiting.

2010 class not counting the juco's, 12 kids gone from that class.

2011 class not counting juco's 6 gone from this class

2012 class 7 gone

The talent dooley left on this roster speaks for itself, I have never seen a Tennessee roster this bad in my lifetime. dools was just a freaking idiot.
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Stephen Hargis... Soon!!!!

He should resign and move somewhere else where he can rebuild his credibility.
Bigger and better recruiting, ok lets look at his recruiting.

2010 class not counting the juco's, 12 kids gone from that class.

2011 class not counting juco's 6 gone from this class

2012 class 7 gone

The talent dooley left on this roster speaks for itself, I have never seen a Tennessee roster this bad in my lifetime. dools was just a freaking idiot.

Yes and this coaching abortion walked away a millionaire. My former jhs basketball player Jimmy Sexton knows how to work a deal doesn't he?
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Yes and this coaching abortion walked away a millionaire. My fromer jhs basketball player Jimmy Sexton knows how to work a deal doesn't he?

You do realize he was " dealing" with Mike Flippin Hamilton? I am sure Sexton broke a sweat. Congrats on coaching him up though.
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Dooley had to focus on areas that he knew best which is a bigger and better recruiting area than Memphis...ATL. This was discussed for a while. Mem is known to have some shady HS coaches so it's not surprising. Dooley knew he couldn't afford to bring in players that have issues, and brought in on shady terms...ie kiffins class. CBJ has benefited from this as we can tell as he has had little major player issues in his first year. CBJ doesn't know the ins and outs of the south and it's recruiting yet. Kiffin was/is shady so of course he was all "about it bout it" in memphis, and why they liked him. CBJ is just to naive to know any better and just hope he doesn't get burned. If anything, one of Dooley's faults was knowing way to much about the SEC, and not being able to explain that knowledge in simple fan terms or "coach/salesman speak".

Let's face it this recruiting cycle for TN is an odd one all around and CBJ is benefiting from it...ie..abnormally high # of legacies and good TN talent plus the ability to sign higher # than the regular amount. Simple. We have a #2 class with what 31 or so players, and the other teams in the top 5 have #1bama (23 commits), #3 Mia (28), UGA (16), Aggies (18).
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You obviously haven't read anything about this coaching staff's background and recruiting history. CBJ recruited the Memphis area and other areas in TN before he got here. These coaches are not strangers. And although you may be concerned about M-town recruiting, other coaches don't seem to be, including our coach. I think you're guessing and speculating. Recruiting has always been a dirty business that's why Butch recruits using a relationship style and using family as his pitch. If that gets a 4.30/40 athlete out of Memphis we'll take him. If a kid from Memphis who doesn't have a father figure in his life wants to get out and get his education and make a better life for himself and Butch is mending those relationships who are you to judge and insinuate he's going to get burnt? Dooley did not recruit 4 and 5* athletes. He recruited 3* athletes who didn't have offers from any major universities. Dooley did not want to put in the time and energy that it takes to recruit and maintain relationships with those 4 and 5*'s. That's lazy coaching. This is the SEC where stars do matter. Stars win championships along with good coaching. Some of those stars are problem children but guess what, if you're doing what you're supposed to do and foster a culture that helps these young men, its a win-win. I'd rather have a 5* WR who I can work with on the maturity than a local 2 or 3* who can't catch the football. "But hey he runs good routes and gets open" I'll take the brotha from Memphis with speed and hands. I can work on the attitude. Like Butch says, it's better to say "whoa" than "giddyup" any day of the week.
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I understand how recruiting works, but that wasn't my pt. My pt is how we have a #2 class with 32 commits, and other teams have a lot less and they r still around us. Yes there is quality there but once NSD comes are we going to be there or lower and then this place goes cray cray about it??

It's the quality vs quantity type deal I'm trying to figure out atm. Bama, aggies and others obviously have great quality in small quantity. We have high quality with solid quality or so we hope it's solid+ quality once they start hitting the field.

Also, I understand CBJ has recruited around. But he's in a different league now. UT is getting his foot in the door where before he'd be lucky to get in or he'd get the scraps. He's in the Champagne Room now and that's a totally different party. Things are done different in there. That's all I'm saying.
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]I understand how recruiting works, but that wasn't my pt. My pt is how we have a #2 class with 32 commits, and other teams have a lot less and they r still around us. Yes there is quality there but once NSD comes are we going to be there or lower and then this place goes cray cray about it??

Every class loses a recruit and these coaches know that. As of now our top recruits are:
#227 Rashaan Gaulden - ****
#224 D'Andre Payne - ****
#167 Derek Barnett - ****
#162 Kevin Mouhon - ****
#114 Daniel Helm - ****
#100 Dewayne Hendrix - ****
#71 Todd Kelly Jr - ****
#67 Dillon Bates - ****
#28 Jalen Hurd - *****
That's recruiting and relationships from a staff that's been here before. Your argument is inductively weak.

It's the quality vs quantity type deal I'm trying to figure out atm. Bama, aggies and others obviously have great quality in small quantity. We have high quality with solid quality or so we hope it's solid+ quality once they start hitting the field.
That's what coaching stability does. These ARE high quality athletes that were being recruiting by those schools you just mentioned. Your logic is flawed. They're great quality athletes if they go to bama, a&m or others, but if they choose UT they're just high quality. Interesting analysis my friend.

Also, I understand CBJ has recruited around. But he's in a different league now. UT is getting his foot in the door where before he'd be lucky to get in or he'd get the scraps.
Here's where your football knowledge is lacking. Cincinnatti and other schools in the MAC and so on don't recruit 5*'s to their schools. They recruit the highest caliber player they can for that division. However CBJ was able to get highly ranked players and he had an eye for talent which was why he has been successful to date. Jones' Cincy team had speed. Hello Abernathy, Jenkins, and others who weren't 5* but CBJ coached those players up. Oh yeah those scraps are in the league as well. His foot didn't have to be in the door as you say to be successful. Now that his foot is in the door..wait for it..wait for it..#2 class B&tch@s!. That's less than one year on campus. Marinate on that for minute.
He's in the Champagne Room now and that's a totally different party. Things are done different in there. That's all I'm saying.
Yes Coach is in the Champagne Room while you my friend are sipping on that sizzurp. Recruiting in the SEC, is recruiting up north, in the east, the pacific northwest and so on. Just ask Oregon and Napkingate. Being in the SEC does not mean you are destined to be a great recruiter. Ask Dooley how many five stars he pulled after his first season. Anybody? Ask Dooley how many of those 4*'s did he coach up to be successful young men who never gave up in the heat of battle. Anybody? Everybody has a recruiting style, and guess what no two coaches are the same. Saban gets recruits because his "process" is known to win championships and some recruits will go there. Some will go to GA or LSU. Bielema is learning the hard way but oh well. CBJ starts with a handshake, a hug, followed with I love you. That's his style and it's the most ruthless low down style out there. Why? Because all those recruits are like family and it would tear at a recruits heart emotionally after he's maintained these relationships to go somewhere else. That's a head game my friend. It's hard to leave the family who's coach just calls you up to say "I love you". Or fans that tweet we love you. Recruits that are constantly talking to you about the future at UT and class #118. Butch was made for the SEC. Your logic is flawed.
You do understand that only the top 20 recruits are counted in a class right? So it doesn't matter if we have 479 commits, and another school has 23, we compare top 20. Quit typing about what you don't understand. Especially your blind love for all things Dooley.

I understand how recruiting works, but that wasn't my pt. My pt is how we have a #2 class with 32 commits, and other teams have a lot less and they r still around us. Yes there is quality there but once NSD comes are we going to be there or lower and then this place goes cray cray about it??

It's the quality vs quantity type deal I'm trying to figure out atm. Bama, aggies and others obviously have great quality in small quantity. We have high quality with solid quality or so we hope it's solid+ quality once they start hitting the field.

Also, I understand CBJ has recruited around. But he's in a different league now. UT is getting his foot in the door where before he'd be lucky to get in or he'd get the scraps. He's in the Champagne Room now and that's a totally different party. Things are done different in there. That's all I'm saying.
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