Tiny is the man.


"You got knocked the F@#$ out!!!":peace2:
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Dools/Bray's fault... Bray has to know Clown was going to get close at some point... Heck, even Manning throw INT's every once in a while... point being, even Tiny is going to make "a" mistake every now and then... Plus Bray HAS to protect the ball. Glad he's gone.

Dooley's fault? That 1 play was Dooley's fault? No
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Richt said it was basically impossible for anyone to handle him one on one

So like, I am going to respect Richt's opinion? Clownman will have a very average season for many reasons. He will be frustrated beyond belief on many occasions as formation after formation will avoid him.
Tiny will hold his ground so watch for lots of penalties from Clownman this year. He's mortal and his emotions will get the best of him, just like visors frequently fly off the old ball coaches head!
It's gonna be a good matchup this year. They seem to respect each other publicly, but inside you know that want to dominate the other.

Kinda unfair that the o-lineman can block him all but one play and that is all anyone remembers...

He's hard to control the entire game. Can you imagine lining up against him every play.
Dools/Bray's fault... Bray has to know Clown was going to get close at some point... Heck, even Manning throw INT's every once in a while... point being, even Tiny is going to make "a" mistake every now and then... Plus Bray HAS to protect the ball. Glad he's gone.

L 35 - 38. Yeah, it was definitely on the offense.

Bray 368 yards, 4 TD, 1 pick...
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Clowney has been hearing that all spring, fall and summer from Spurrier. If it sank in, we make see a whole new level of "freak" this year.

Tiny gets accused of holding too much by Clown himself and hears all the time how he's gonna be the top DE in college football. That s*** can go both ways.
Hurst is making clowney look average right in the USCe and unc game. Tiny is gonna dominate
Clowney hasn't done jack so far tonight against UNC. He looks like he just tan a marathon the way he is mouth breathing and putting his hands on his knees.
Dools/Bray's fault... Bray has to know Clown was going to get close at some point... Heck, even Manning throw INT's every once in a while... point being, even Tiny is going to make "a" mistake every now and then... Plus Bray HAS to protect the ball. Glad he's gone.

Bray didnt make the retarded playcall....I get u all cant stand him but thats grasping at straws.....Lane just made a 15 yd run....1 min left.....2 timeouts.......you either call a run, or chip clowney with RB.

You do NOT call a long developing pass play and leave clowney 1v1 regardless of his past success
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Yeah, Bud Adams is a heck of an owner to play for.

My sentiments exactly I rooted for Titans for years, but how he treated McNair.....and so many other players....then the Fisher thing was the last straw....I have put all my Titans Jersies and stuff in a box, and refuse to root for them until Bud Adams either sells or dies.

Back to the issue...yes Tiny is the man......I wanna see Tiny And DaMac dominating lines this year on both sides!
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Yeah, Bud Adams is a heck of an owner to play for.

THIS! I love having an instate team but his DA decisions are about to make me give up on the Titans. WHen some of the picks he's had at his disposal, this team could be so much better.

Not to mention how he's treated some of the greats. Coaches and players.

And on the Tiny thing, how about that play where he FN play where he threw Clowney to the ground!?

I'd say that evens out the one missed assignment if not for the Bray fumble. The fumbles not really Tiny's fault tho.
So like, I am going to respect Richt's opinion? Clownman will have a very average season for many reasons. He will be frustrated beyond belief on many occasions as formation after formation will avoid him. Tiny will hold his ground so watch for lots of penalties from Clownman this year. He's mortal and his emotions will get the best of him, just like visors frequently fly off the old ball coaches head!

Hmmm, Clownman winds up with 3 tackles against the Tar Heels, has a critical offsides, chased a few players and did NOTHING on the field last night. Oh, but wait. His tummy hurt and he really wasnt in good shape. If anyone on this planet really believes Clownman is Heisman material, please identify yourself. SC, Vandy and the Rebels all had far more better performers than Clownman.
Tiny gets accused of holding too much by Clown himself and hears all the time how he's gonna be the top DE in college football. That s*** can go both ways.
True. I'm looking forward to watching the matchup between these two great ball players.
Clowney hasn't done jack so far tonight against UNC. He looks like he just tan a marathon the way he is mouth breathing and putting his hands on his knees.
He said after the game he was gassed.... Not in game shape.

He looked the same the last two years in the first game of the year.

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