This can't be serious? Please explain under what premise you think YOU or any of the fans are entitled to that information. I would love to know the exact details about what happened to quench my curiosity. Outside of curiosity, there is certainly no 'claim' fans have over this information. Get over yourself.
It's not that complicated. But here goes.
IF what caused this cancellation is a coaches rift (we all assume this), then here are the two possibilities that I can see:
Possibility #1: It's a personal offense or offenses based on personalities of coaches. Nothing illegal, just a pi$$ing contest. If this is the case, then the ADs should do their job and keep the program > than the personality. This is akin to having a salesman at a store / dealership who gets offended and tells your best customer to go look elsewhere. The idea that a personality is > program should never be accepted, whether its CPS or Derek Dooley. It matters not.
In no way should this scenario be accepted. It should be resolved by professionals.
Possibility #2: Something "illegal" (violation of rules) took place and caused someone (UT or UConn staffs) to object and refuse to partake. Then by covering a known violation(s), the one who covers the violation and refuses to have it dealt with under the light becomes a type of shieldbor protector of the transgression(s).
Furthermore, why would either staff throw their program under the bus because the other was "cheating"? That is a ridiculous solution. Almost like not doing business with people who you think break the law. Why punish your business (program) b/c of the moral weakness of your customer (competitor). IMO, if the ADs of each school saw this happening, then they are obligated to make it right by rectifying the violations and immediately continuing the series.
If another scenario is in play, then I'm all ears. I can't foresee one. This ain't @ me, its @ being a fan of UT and how fans view the leadership of their team.
Dooley failed as a coach and I (and a few others I might add) thought we needed a change. When something appears wrong, then fans who invest in the product have be very right to express their displeasure.
When two staffs are playing a " Were punishing our programs (and the sport BTW) over something that we won't actually talk about (read, just trust me.)" game, then fans of both profs should cry BS immediately. What if Dooley were somehow able to cancel the Bama game over a fued "caused" by Nick? Would you be OK with him when he justified it by saying "just trust me BC they are wrong, but I'm not telling why"? No way on earth!!!
Regardless of whether Pat killed the first cow to hand stitch the first women's bball, went undefeated her whole career, and beat Geno by 60+ every game, this is still REDICULOUS.
There is no justification for silence in either case above. Fans should stop being blinded by hall of famers who are not acting properly in this situation. It's not personal when you cancel the hallmark series of WCBB. It's business, so act professional. Its your job.