I have mentioned several times on this board if you look at my previous post that he does not work for NPA and is a Troll. He holds bag dummy in a couple stations at NPA camps. He is not a coach. He holds onto bucks belt loop. He is a

BARBER! Gentlemen you all have day jobs right? Now ask yourself if you were a successful trainer coach would you be cutting hair...... name one and I mean one student athlete that has shouted him out or said thank you, hell anything in social media over the years he has been claiming to be connected with the kids via NPA. This board created him by believing his BS and letting it go on for years now. Breaker boy still coaches kids and camps for DB’s and gets shout outs from kids all the times...... because he actually works directly with the kids. Now ask why ol De1 is just a bag of opinions with no substance or proof he is not just the bag holding friend of Buck cause he cuts their hair. Stop feeding his ego