You could have just acknowledged that you were wrong by saying only half the roster makes a contribution.
Ideally, you have at least 8 or 9 OL's who play competitive snaps. UT would like to go 3 deep at TE. WR should be 8 or 9. Hopefully one QB but often 2. You want at least 3 and preferably 4 RB's getting competitive snaps... but often it is more due to injury. That's at least 25 on O and you'd really like more than that on D. You want the full two deep plus 2 or 3 on the DL, 1 or 2 at LB, and maybe 3 or 4 more in the secondary. That's close to 30 guys who ideally contribute in competitive situations on D.
Yeah. It actually does unless there's a very high probability of him becoming a good contributor. You cannot waste time or resources on any of those 85 spots. If it does not hurt now it will hurt later. Whoever gets that 85th spot is an investment. You want a guy who gives you a pay back not just on the scholarship but the time and resources spent to develop him.
There are no throw away spots on that 85 man scholarship roster.