Many students who student loans are paying years before they get them payed off. Some never pay them off. Not very many PWOs are ever put on scholarship and I would not recommend any student start off in college with accumulating student debt. I doubt that Congress will ever pass legislation to assist students who have acquired student loans and have difficulty in repaying those loans.Saw a lot of post regarding PWO and not being able to afford schooling. Gotta remember the give out student loans every semester. I came from a family that lived from pay check to pay check and my only option was to grab some student loans and pay them off after school.
I knew what the score was.........I graduated from UCHS in 1964.
We are neighbors, I’m in Troy. Mike Hayes is good friend.
But I spend winters in Florida, so of course I’m excited that we may be in Florida bowl.
Many students who student loans are paying years before they get them payed off. Some never pay them off. Not very many PWOs are ever put on scholarship and I would not recommend any student start off in college with accumulating student debt. I doubt that Congress will ever pass legislation to assist students who have acquired student loans and have difficulty in repaying those loans.
I go back to my statement that many high school football players and their families can not afford to walk on to P5 football because they can not pay the costs associated with walking on to those football teams. Where would players from intercity and poor rural areas qualify for student or ant other loan fresh out of schools in those areas? If they happen to be very intelligent and have the highest of grade, they might qualify for an academic scholarship but that seldom happens since the NCAA changed the rules on non athletic scholarships.I am going to disagree with you unless said kid is going to join a union of some type. If you don't learn a trade or get some type of degree you will only settle for what you think you can do without either. Many people have been successful like this but even if I could go back I wouldn't have done anything any different. 3 years of student debt paid off in 2 years after graduating. It's all got to do with discipline. Would rather be in debt for a education straight out of high school then be in debt for a truck, car or side by side out of high school like I see constantly.
All ready and fired up for Lake County. About to hit the road here soon. Let’s go big green.I think I might go see the Lake County-Huntington game tomorrow night. It's crazy but those might be the 2 best public schools in West TN outside of Shelby County. (Covington, Dyer County, and Haywood are good but Covington isnt as strong as last year's team and the 4A and 5A teams outside of 3 or 4 leave a lot to be desired.)
It's insane to expect a kid who can get a scholarship elsewhere to walk on at a power 5 and hope to earn one. Sure, it happens. But to have the expectation that it should happen is completely out of touch
Whooohooo! On to the state. My cousin had over 200 yards rushing tonight. Larry Tubbs! Tanner Snyder, also over 200 yards rushing!![]()
I do agree that Tanner has the size, and I’d take a chance on though. He is a very smart kid, and he plays tough. As for my cousin Larry, I thought he had a great game. He has been doing this all year, and he has played so far pretty good. Him and Tanner are pretty hard to stop together. You can’t just key on one, because the other one will get you.Your cousin impressed me, Tanner not so much on offense. I liked him on defense. Has good size and could be a baller, but not sure about at Tennessee.
I'm no recruiting expert though.