'25 TN QB George MacIntyre (Tennessee commit)

He does a good job walking a fine line of reporting bs respecting. This might just be him getting the kid a little recognition today at the game.
That’s true, but hes also a top 20 player in the country, he’d be hard to miss, especially to ppl who follow recruiting
Kinda funny how he’s visiting for the junior day the day we play bama, which coincidentally is the 2 teams he is choosing between
I see what you did there. Hooker’s show is good on thursdays because Ron Slay and/or Fred White always come on. Love both of those dudes. They live and breathe UT ball and are as loyal and knowledgeable about their respective sports as anyone could be.

Wanna know a HUGE difference between them and todays "pay me the most or I will transfer this semester " players?

Fred white ran 10.2s in the 100 meters in HS at 17/18yo and was state champion in Georgia. Back in the 90s when Carl Lewis world record was 9.79 and nobody else was close. White had legit talks with the US Olympic coaches and aspired to run for the US track team in the next Olympics...he came to UT as a Cornerback in the Deion Sanders NFL timeframe at about 180lbs. Fulmer and co. told White that they needed him at Safety instead of Corner in order for UT to reach their team goals. White agreed to change positions and put on 15lbs of muscle to get to 195 as a freshman so he could play Safety, knowing he would lose a little speed and his track/Olympic dreams were over. Turned out to be a 4 year starter and leader on defense in 1998s Championship team as a Safety. I don't know if theres a single HS kid in this country today that would make a personal sacrifice like that in order to help the team...and the bigtime kids get paid more $$$ than I do as a successful adult. Along with the free ride and all the perks. Its just a different time man. I will say that players like Coop do love UT and are truly All VOL. White wasn't even an instate kid that grew up bleeding orange.
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