To Protect and to Serve II

Ex SIL? This must be a recent development….have you been getting rowdy with the H’ville ticket writers? One sits in the parking lot of the building next door to my office practically all day every day….. or behind a little white church across the street. I can’t figure out if he’s running radar or sleeping because I never see him pull over any cars.

Yeah dear daughter and her roided up punk husband are divorcing. Have had some words with him and a couple of his tatted up roid buddies on the force.
Yeah dear daughter and her roided up punk husband are divorcing. Have had some words with him and a couple of his tatted up roid buddies on the force.
That’s a crappy situation. I’m sorry your daughter and your family are having to deal with that.
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His daughter married the guy. Obviously, she had a choice in the matter. I'm sure his douchbaggery didn't just pop up after marriage...

It popped up after he became a cop and doing steroids. Until then he was a nerd computer/ gamer guy. He wanted to be like the other tatted up punks.
Just dawned on me. You might be one of the little Hendersonville PD steroid gang, if you are and any of your little buddies including my ex SIL feel froggy then jump. Then next time one of you puffs out your chest telling me what you‘re going to do we’re going to find out.
I am a 68 year old bike rider that is always surprised at how people in cars what to run there mouth as long as they are save in there cars
I am a 68 year old bike rider that is always surprised at how people in cars what to run there mouth as long as they are save in there cars

If by bike you mean bicycle stay off 2 lane roads in the mornings when people are going to work, quit holding up cars. Obey traffic laws while you’re at it. Bicyclists are their own worst enemies.
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‘Legitimacy’ of Chicago Police Department at Risk Amid Vaccine Mandate Fight: Lightfoot | Chicago News | WTTW

She said the quiet part out loud. Wow... So is this all it takes to hold police accountable now?

For too long, officers have been allowed to decide for themselves which rules to follow and which to ignore, Lightfoot said.

Man, is this all it takes to get some police union boss smoked out of here? As long as these cops are shooting the sh^t out of civilians and pulling them over for trivial matters and harassing the hell out of them, its OK. But boy, if they don't get that damn jab... now that is a bridge too far. I wonder how long they've known about those Muslim posts? Now they want to do something about them? OK.

The Chicago Police Board is weighing whether to fire Catanzara, who has been stripped of his badge and police powers. The police union president faces charges of misconduct, including making social media posts that disparaged Muslims.
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Serving and protecting the s^^t out of you... Didn't these fools know cash is illegal in America?

'Highway robbers': How a trip to buy farmland ended with police taking all his cash (

They had a large amount of cash in the vehicle: more than $100,000, which Thai says they brought to pay for the property. Thai — who speaks English with a heavy accent (Liu speaks very little English at all) — told the officer they were headed to a hotel and, yes, had cash on them.

The deputy said he suspected they were involved in “illegal activity,” according to Thai. A criminal background search would have turned up a 2017 conviction against Liu for growing marijuana in California.
This is a good one, a guy blocks an Amazon delivery driver for "speeding" down his 1/4 mile driveway and calls 911. I agree with the cop that was pissed at the homeowner for wasting his time.

This is a good one, a guy blocks an Amazon delivery driver for "speeding" down his 1/4 mile driveway and calls 911. I agree with the cop that was pissed at the homeowner for wasting his time.

You can’t hold someone against their will. It’s called kidnapping. Getting the van number should have been enough to report her speeding.
This is a good one, a guy blocks an Amazon delivery driver for "speeding" down his 1/4 mile driveway and calls 911. I agree with the cop that was pissed at the homeowner for wasting his time.

The cops are half the problem. These tattletale, busybody Karens, Kens and Keishas are driving this country over a cliff.
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