I did not agree with the Holly hire from the start, and I applaud the poster for encouraging a productive discussion. Holly loves the Vols, but she hasn't found a way to put the right players on the court in a position to be successful. Our team lacks discipline and are not deliberate on the offensive end (hesitant passing, shooting and cutting). We need an offensive-minded head coach with a record of success. I like Kellie Harper's fire, but she needs more time to develop. Here are my leading candidates in no particular order:
-Sue Semrau (Florida State). Her record the past three seasons are 32-5, 21-12, 23-10. Her teams have strong pg play and she has southern recruiting ties. She even landed sophomore standout Shakayla Thomas over the Lady Vols.
-Courtney Banghart (Princeton). Her record the past three seasons are 31-1, 21-9, 22-7. Her teams play smart and know how to score.
-Katie Abrahamson-Henderson (Albany). She played two years at Georgia in the 1980s and lead Missouri State to the WNIT title in 2005. Her teams overachieve, play smart and tough. Her record the past three seasons are 24-9, 28-5, 27-4.
-Karl Smesko (Florida Gulf Coast). His team made it to the NCAA Second Round last year with a high-powered offense. His teams pass well and he is a 4-time conference Coach of the Year. His record the past three seasons are 31-3, 26-8, 27-7.
- Aaron Johnston (South Dakota State). His team's have won their conference tourney 6 out of last 7 years. He also won the Division 2 Title with the Jackrabbits in 2003.