Today’s Democrat party not the party of Kennedy

Something is wrong with this thread. Isn't there supposed to be a picture with an overturned table?
Well when the American people decided to hitch their wagons to a geriatric, and a clown this should be expected. Heaven forbid something happens to Joe, we would be left with another geriatric, mayor Pete, and RBF. We are truly in capable hands!!
At this point I’d take the party of Billy Clinton.
These new Dems have lost their freaking minds!

Hell, some of them even make Obummer seem reasonable!

It's because populism cuts both ways. Take a group of people who feel marginalized or ignored, pump them up with promises, point them in the direction of someone they can focus their anger towards, and ride the wave to victory. Or until they figure out your a fraud and eat you alive.

When the shine wears off the empty promises of The Squad and the Trump Caucus, I fear for the health and well being of the former "stars".
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