Todd Raleigh out!

Of course they are.....Rod is on his way back, from whatever God forsaken foreign country that is stupid enough to let him coach baseball, as we speak,
MH needs to send Raleigh packing now, maybe coach rod will be brought back.If this guy was texting players blaming them then he needs is azz kicked.Theres no way there will be a next year for him at Tn.I dont think so anyways.
Can't believe he'd say something like that to Locante...oh wait...I definitely can

Ofcourse you can! Hopefully everyone that has heard a story about CTR knows that what he said to Locante is one of the nicer things he has said to people after a loss. The OP named some of those people that left the program and were black balled by CTR... Listen to their stories and you might see why MH covering this up for so long is bull...
What a idiot Raleigh is ..Will Locante is one of the best arms on the team..and one of the toughest.. Heart thats all that kid has is Heart! I know this Kid all he wants to do is win.. I was always willing to cut people slack .. Raleigh does not deserve to Coach this team.. we have a wonderful group of young men whose spirits have been amputated by a baffoon... there is no prosthetic for an amputated spirit.
I never liked him....but yeah, this is ONE RUMOR I CAN believe! I don't think Raleigh CARES or EMBRACES this university the way it's meant to?
Pat Murphy built the Notre Dame program from scratch and dominated at ASU. He has over 1,000 wins and ASU had more players drafted during his tenure than any other program.

Zero reason we bring back delmonico, he was ousted because he wasn't winning. Murphy is the best available candidate out there. Lets hire him.
Pat Murphy built the Notre Dame program from scratch and dominated at ASU. He has over 1,000 wins and ASU had more players drafted during his tenure than any other program.

Pat Murphy isn't getting hired anywhere until the NCAA ruling comes down. The allegations against him are pretty serious, but there are also allegations that the charges against him are some sort of vendetta against him by the ASU Athletics Director. Either way, despite his record, he's going to have a great deal of trouble finding employment until that is resolved.
Look, these are the perfect circumstances to bring Coach Delmonico back. When he came here in 1990, Tennessee was coming off of its worst record in the history of the program with no talent. By his 3rd year, he won the east then the conference then Omaha. It is my understanding from a reliable source that Coach D met with Hamilton in December and made amends and they are planning a meeting soon. :salute:
Look, these are the perfect circumstances to bring Coach Delmonico back. When he came here in 1990, Tennessee was coming off of its worst record in the history of the program with no talent. By his 3rd year, he won the east then the conference then Omaha. It is my understanding from a reliable source that Coach D met with Hamilton in December and made amends and they are planning a meeting soon. :salute:

Your man crush on Delmonicao is quite scary.
Pat Murphy isn't getting hired anywhere until the NCAA ruling comes down. The allegations against him are pretty serious, but there are also allegations that the charges against him are some sort of vendetta against him by the ASU Athletics Director. Either way, despite his record, he's going to have a great deal of trouble finding employment until that is resolved.

Pat was a scapegoat for the ASU Athletic Office.

The stuff he was doing goes on at almost every program in America.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
How about this . . . Fire Raliegh when he loses the series and maybe gets swept at Ole Miss and when he gets swept at home by Florida. Name Delmonico interim coach - with no promises, since he is here in Knoxville and is available. Any objections?
How about this . . . Fire Raliegh when he loses the series and maybe gets swept at Ole Miss and when he gets swept at home by Florida. Name Delmonico interim coach - with no promises, since he is here in Knoxville and is available. Any objections?


No point replacing ineptness with trash.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
How about this . . . Fire Raliegh when he loses the series and maybe gets swept at Ole Miss and when he gets swept at home by Florida. Name Delmonico interim coach - with no promises, since he is here in Knoxville and is available. Any objections?:salute:
How about this . . . Fire Raliegh when he loses the series and maybe gets swept at Ole Miss and when he gets swept at home by Florida. Name Delmonico interim coach - with no promises, since he is here in Knoxville and is available. Any objections?:salute:

How about you learn to read and quit carrying Rod's jock?
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Why dont you show a modicum of respect. This man has raised three fine sons and committed a good deal of his life to UT. He is the winningest coach in UT history and he one day, maybe not today or next week or next year but when this program again becomes irrelevant in this conference and we dont enjoy hosting another regional and obviously wont go back to Omaha, you and many others are going to realize just how good we had it. He should be rehired. Go to Home and realize how wrong you are.
Why dont you show a modicum of respect. This man has raised three fine sons and committed a good deal of his life to UT. He is the winningest coach in UT history and he one day, maybe not today or next week or next year but when this program again becomes irrelevant in this conference and we dont enjoy hosting another regional and obviously wont go back to Omaha, you and many others are going to realize just how good we had it. He should be rehired. Go to Home and realize how wrong you are.

He is still trash.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Pat was a scapegoat for the ASU Athletic Office.

The stuff he was doing goes on at almost every program in America.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

That very well may be, but the NCAA is now penalizing schools that hire coaches with ongoing NCAA problems for transgressions at other schools, so any school interested in Murphy has to be SURE that he's going to be cleared by the infractions committee.

I'm certainly not saying Murphy would be a bad choice, but he's not getting a big time job until the NCAA cloud is off him.
That very well may be, but the NCAA is now penalizing schools that hire coaches with ongoing NCAA problems for transgressions at other schools, so any school interested in Murphy has to be SURE that he's going to be cleared by the infractions committee.

I'm certainly not saying Murphy would be a bad choice, but he's not getting a big time job until the NCAA cloud is off him.

He will be in a dugout next year. Trust me.

The pros to hiring him greatly outweigh the garbage the ASU threw on him.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
look tod railegh is a bum! im a baseball guy, playing ball throught high scholl and into college, and i learned early on that this guy is a slacker! his ego is almost as big as his waistline and way bigger then his talent. im tired of this guy representing "our" universtiy and recently wrote Mike Hammy an email telling him that the university wouldnt get one penny from me untill he is GONE!!!!
MH is well aware of what is going on with Raleigh and is allowing it to continue. We would not be any worse off with him gone NOW--NO interim coach could be worse and it would improve the team morale greatly. These young men love baseball but this man has caused it not to be fun any longer for them. His constant blaming and ridicule needs to be stopped. I wonder if what MH would do if someone spoke to his son or daughter the way he continues to allow Raleigh to speak to these young men. What he did to Will Locante is shameful. He has messed up the heads of many players on this team and previous Vol teams. He is a bully and a pitiful human being. He picks on the guys on the team because they can't fight back. I would like for him to say these things to another man who he can't kick off the team and see what happens. But like every bully he won't do that.
Don't think it really matters that Raleigh is out.....that Douche of a AD UT has will blow another hire!

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