Guess I'm in the minority.
Doesn't bother me if he jumps around like an idiot on Oprah. Doesn't make him any less of a good actor in my book. Top Gun, Days Of Thunder, Interview With A Vampire, A Few Good Men, Jerry McGuire, Risky Business, Mission Impossible, The Last Samurai, Collateral, Knight and Day... I liked them all. Cocktail and The Outsiders were okay. I don't really remember Minority Report, Vanilla Sky, The Firm, Rain man or Magnolia, should probably go back and watch them. I turned Eyes Wide Shut and Valkyrie off. Didn't think War of the Worlds was that great. Still haven't seen Tropic Thunder and don't think I plan on seeing Rock of Ages since it's a musical?
All in all, he's done quite a few movies I like. Days of Thunder and The Last Samurai are underrated. Interview With A Vampire is awesome, it's too bad kids today like garbage vampire movies. I have never and will never see Twilight or any of that crap. Two other vampire movies I love are from Dusk Til Dawn and John Carpenter's Vampires. I watched those two so many times as a kid, been a while though. Vampires with James Woods was one of my favorites. Think I'm gonna go back and watch it along with Interview With A Vampire.
Anyways, to each their own. I understand if people don't like him simply because they don't like his movies or whatever but him jumping around on couches, getting mad over being squirted with water, being a scientologist etc. doesn't really bother me any. I still enjoy his movies and like his acting. And hey, it's not so bad in comparison to a number of other celebrities or athletes. People pay many to watch and cheer for rapists, murderers, cheaters, wife beaters and dog killers every Sunday. If the worst thing someone does is act like a weirdo, meh.