Tommy Gallion



I like conebred
May 1, 2005
:angry: :thefinger: Does this Dip S**T ever give up? :moon2:

He's back again saying Tennessee has violated NCAA rules, and he has mounds of evidence. If I can find the article from an Alabama paper I will provide a link.
Same old stuff. Now he's claiming that Johnny Majors supporters are helping him get Fulmer. To believe this, you have to not only believe that there's actually wrongdoing; you have to believe that somebody's disdain for Fulmer is so great that they would get back at him by taking actions which would lead to their own school being placed on probation. :wacko:

As I've said many times on this topic, get ready for a Summer of Slime from Gallion.

He is going to dredge up every hint of an issue and broadcast daily with Slimebaum as a willing accomplice (ratings boosting).

It's gonna get ugly. :shakehead:
Originally posted by volinbham@May 25, 2005 3:42 PM
As I've said many times on this topic, get ready for a Summer of Slime from Gallion. 

He is going to dredge up every hint of an issue and broadcast daily with Slimebaum as a willing accomplice (ratings boosting).

It's gonna get ugly. :shakehead:

I'm afraid you're right. As we get closer to the trial date in July, this is going to reach a fever pitch.
Gallion and Bammers are convinced they are winning the war when no one outside themselves even know there is a war going on.

If Gallion, Slimebaum or any Bammer had anything at all the NCAA would know about already. The funny thing is all this is doing is turning even instate prospects against Bama.
Originally posted by volinbham@May 25, 2005 3:20 PM

Love the Lebowski avatar - my favorite all-time movie.

Originally posted by Vol67@May 25, 2005 4:29 PM
Gallion and Bammers are convinced they are winning the war when no one outside themselves even know there is a war going on.

I don't think it can be said any better than that. Bammers remind me of the knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail who gets his arms and legs chopped off, but still keeps talking trash.
If nothing ever comes of these latest allegations from Gallion, at what point does it have to go before Fulmer can file a counter suit against him for defamation of character or something. I mean this guy is just sitting back with nothing to lose and throwing all these accusations without any kind of penalty or personal damage concerns? It is not like he is doing this in private. This crap gets carried on local media outlets and true or not, Fulmer's name is still dragged down with it.

Also, I can't believe that this goof Gallion is that squeaky clean. I mean he is a Bammer after all, surely there are some skeletons in his own closet. I wish there was an avid UT fan that just so happened to be a PI. Would like to see some of Gallions own mud thrown back at his face.
Once its all said and done' this guy will just continue. There should be some type of counter suit! Agreed'

This jerk needs to kick rocks or drop dead.
Originally posted by GAVol@May 25, 2005 4:08 PM
I don't think it can be said any better than that.  Bammers remind me of the knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail who gets his arms and legs chopped off, but still keeps talking trash.

Bonus points for a Monty Python and the quest for the Holy Grail take! Kind of reminds me of ND and South Carolina fans too... :laugh1:
Originally posted by GAVol@May 25, 2005 2:29 PM
Same old stuff.  Now he's claiming that Johnny Majors supporters are helping him get Fulmer.  To believe this, you have to not only believe that there's actually wrongdoing; you have to believe that somebody's disdain for Fulmer is so great that they would get back at him by taking actions which would lead to their own school being placed on probation.  :wacko:


With Gallion, one person who is close to John, or even claims they are, would qualify in his mind to make such statements. He grasps for straws.

There are still a lot of loyal, die-hard Tennessee fans, myself included, who believe John Majors got a raw deal from the university. Most of the folks I know who are close to John have talked to him about his (Johns) public statements, myself included, and have let him know that it isn't helping him or his cause to be so vocal. You'd just have to know John.

If he could hurt Phil, I think he would. But I do not believe there are a lot of John's friends or supporters who are hob-knobing with Gallion.

It's just more smoke and mirrors from a loser attorney who has no case and he can't stand to let go of his 15 minutes.

Raw deal? I was a bit younger back then so i cannot remember most of the circumstances. This is in No way a post to knock Majors! Only asking what was so raw that, at his age and time that would make him
so angry at CPF? Sure no one like's to be dismissed!
But when change is needed for the better of the U' and the team, your not going to hear fan's/students complain.
Majors (.645) Fulmer (.802)+. Neverless Gallion isnt going to quit!

He's only trying to re- and re again, make gain for himself. If Bammers buy it then well good. Maybe if he studied his profession more than he did hate on CPF he'd make a better living and name for his firm.

Eventualy we hope the NCAA will ban him from any more idiotic complaints and false allegations.
The "raw deal" that some complain about stems from Johnny basically having a contract extension on his desk that disappeared when he had to have heart surgery prior to the 1992 season. In the interim, CPF coached the team to an undefeated record. Johnny suddenly decided to come back to work - way too soon probably - and we lost 3 in a row. The team was split into two factions and it got ugly. People have different opinions as to how much CPF campaigned for the job while Majors was sick and some feel that the university was looking to dump Majors after some comments he made in the offseason and used his heart attack as an opportunity.

Personally, I think Majors had run his course in Knoxville and taken the team about as far as he could, but given his place in Tennessee history, I wish he would have either been given a cushy job in the Athletic Department or at least been able to leave a lot more gracefully.
here is an email I sent to the author of that article.

I read your article. You spoke of alleged evidence against Tennessee for NCAA rules violations. Where is this evidence? Gallion has saying junk like this for the last couple of years, none of which has been proven.

The bottom line is that Alabama was caught cheating red handed by the NCAA. Fulmer was not the only coach in the SEC to report on Alabama’s activities. Steve Spurrier and Houston Nutt also provided information to the NCAA!

Do you deny that Alabama was buying players out of Memphis? You probably do if you buy into Gallion’s ramblings. Gallion and Alabama fans need to whining about getting caught cheating and accept their punishment!

If Tennessee has been violating NCAA recruiting rules then they will be caught and will suffer the consequences.

Go vols
Originally posted by patrick@May 26, 2005 8:56 AM
I read your article.  You spoke of alleged evidence against Tennessee for NCAA rules violations.  Where is this evidence? 

The delete button will get hit about right here.

Originally posted by patrick@May 26, 2005 7:56 AM
here is an email I sent to the author of that article.
I read your article.  You spoke of alleged evidence against Tennessee for NCAA rules violations.  Where is this evidence?  Gallion has saying junk like this for the last couple of years, none of which has been proven.

The bottom line is that Alabama was caught cheating red handed by the NCAA.  Fulmer was not the only coach in the SEC to report on Alabama’s activities.  Steve Spurrier and Houston Nutt also provided information to the NCAA!

Do you deny that Alabama was buying players out of Memphis?  You probably do if you buy into Gallion’s ramblings.  Gallion and Alabama fans need to whining about getting caught cheating and accept their punishment!

If Tennessee has been violating NCAA recruiting rules then they will be caught and will suffer the consequences. 
Go vols

Believe me, Alabama has accepted our punishment, and most Bama fans just want to move on. A lot of people are always accusing Bama of living in the past. Well, how long do you think that this will follow us?
I wish this trial business would just go away, because it really concerns me with how it will effect Tenn. coming to town. I'm sure there will talk of extra security and all that, and things just should not be like that. It's football, we love it, and live for it, but it should not be life threatening. With that said, does anyone think that Gallion is saying all of this stuff right now about having evidence so this could be settled out of court. I can't imagine how much money this has cost(Bama has not paid any of this by the way....we're not in this hunt),and he has to recoop his money somehow. He has been in it too long now to just back down, but he's not a young man, and does he seriously want to be remembered for this case.....sad. I love Bama football, and support my team 100% no matter what, but I am realistic enough to know that people that don't truly love the sport have tried to ruin it for a lot of people. I have often said that "I hate Tennessee, or I hate Auburn", but I only meant that I want to beat them in football. I don't hate the fans, coachs or the state. Well, maybe with Auburn I do....not really.
We as fans and supporters of college football have got to get a grip and put things back to where they should be. I believe that the sport should be played for the benefit of the players, fans and the schools, and not for the greed of some people. I was so excited when I moved to Tuscaloosa, that I would get to enjoy all the tailgaiting and pregame activites not only with Bama fans, but fans from the other schools. To me it's like hosting a big party, and the a host should not be rude to his guests...I believe that we as fans have a responsibility to put things back to how they should be....any hitting should happen on the field, and we should be gentlemen both on and off the field. The players have such a better attitude than we do, and we should be more like them.
"We as fans and supporters of college football have got to get a grip and put things back to where they should be. I believe that the sport should be played for the benefit of the players, fans and the schools, and not for the greed of some people. I was so excited when I moved to Tuscaloosa, that I would get to enjoy all the tailgaiting and pregame activites not only with Bama fans, but fans from the other schools. To me it's like hosting a big party, and the a host should not be rude to his guests...I believe that we as fans have a responsibility to put things back to how they should be....any hitting should happen on the field, and we should be gentlemen both on and off the field. The players have such a better attitude than we do, and we should be more like them. "

Well said, this whole thing has gotten out of hand, I would rather beat Alabama than any other school, and that is mostly because of the long tradition of the rivalry, the 3rd Sat in October represents to me what all college football should be about, 2 storied programs coming together to battle it out for bragging rights. All this lawsuit crap and conspiracy mess taints not only this matchup but college football as whole. Gallion is a disgraceto his profession and Slimebum is too.
Ahhhh yes! thank you GaVol for that info. I couldnt exactly remember, but refreshed now. I was 17 and in bootcamp in Columbia. Most of that unfolded while i was away i dont think i even seen a news paper let alone a tv from may until aug that yr. Once id got caught back up' the season had started and only remember a few older vol fans arguing over it. All i could really recall was Majors had the health issue around about that yr. Also agree with BMH' smart Bamma fan! Fresh air :D
Originally posted by Bama My Heart@May 26, 2005 8:27 AM
I'm sure there will talk of extra security and all that, and things just should not be like that.  It's football, we love it, and live for it, but it should not be life threatening.

We appreciate the comments BMH. Nice to see that at least ONE person in Bamaland seems to have a level head.

I'm not really sure about the above comment -- gotta say that I will not be worried about my life (at least any more than usual) if I make the trip down in October. When Saturdays roll around and the grills fire up, stories like this and pitiful old men with desperate attempts at fame and fortune seem to disappear into the fate they so fear. . . .the realization that nobody really cares.
Originally posted by GAVol@May 26, 2005 7:05 AM
The "raw deal" that some complain about stems from Johnny basically having a contract extension on his desk that disappeared when he had to have heart surgery prior to the 1992 season.  In the interim, CPF coached the team to an undefeated record.  Johnny suddenly decided to come back to work - way too soon probably - and we lost 3 in a row.  The team was split into two factions and it got ugly.  People have different opinions as to how much CPF campaigned for the job while Majors was sick and some feel that the university was looking to dump Majors after some comments he made in the offseason and used his heart attack as an opportunity.

Personally, I think Majors had run his course in Knoxville and taken the team about as far as he could, but given his place in Tennessee history, I wish he would have either been given a cushy job in the Athletic Department or at least been able to leave a lot more gracefully.

There was far more to it than an unsigned contract. There were promises made and broken by Doug Dickey that started the whole episode. In the process, John fired back at Dickey (through the media, which wasn't smart on his part, but I think he felt it was his last resort) and it became a war of personalities.

Also, when John came back after the third game, we won 2 and then went on the losing streak.

Regardless of how people feel, the health problem opened the door for Dickey and (name deleted) to do their dirty work behind the scenes.

Phone records apparently aren't that difficult to obtain, the Tennessean did, and there was evidence of campaigning on Phil's part.

I guess the question everyone has to answer is; would I have done the same thing?

Many feel it was a sign of selfishness and unfaithfulness on Phil's part. I don't know that for sure. I don't know how much he knew.

If Dickey had told Phil that John was gone, regardless, and Phil threw his hat in the ring, then I don't see that he did that much wrong. John doesn't see it that way. Who knows, if it were you or me, and we were in the hospital recovering from heart surgery, and we heard there was a movement afoot to have us removed and an assistant put in our place, we might be compelled to get back a little too quick too.

For whatever reason John continues to dig at the sore, and in public, a huge mistake on his part I think.

There are always 2 sides to every story and the only people who know everything are the 2 who were most directly involved.

Some of us know more than others, and then there are some who pretend to know and they usually are the ones who cry the loudest.

I'm still close to John, but I'm not a Fulmer hater, and I certainly am not going to hook up with Gallion.

I just find this claim of Gallion to be way over blown.

I also wish Phil and John could find someplace to bury the hatchet besides in each other's back.

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