Tony B. Booted By 1180 AM

I can't think about Dave Hooker without hearing John Adams' whiny "Daaaaavvee", John Adams' impression of Jordan Howell's "My mind keeps telling me no-oh. But my Body..MY BODY!.. keeps telling me yes", or the Snappy Tomato commercial in my head.
I can't think about Dave Hooker without hearing John Adams' whiny "Daaaaavvee", John Adams' impression of Jordan Howell's "My mind keeps telling me no-oh. But my Body..MY BODY!.. keeps telling me yes", or the Snappy Tomato commercial in my head.

Ah, yes. The days when the News Sentinel Sports Page show was entertaining. Hooker's good when he has a good sideman. Someone that's witty and can keep him in check. Otherwise, he tends to overdo it a little. He and John Adams were the perfect combo for radio.
And Ainge and his moronic side-kick are getting worse by the day. I understand that there isn't much to talk about in June and July but good lord man it's like they have no filter for what they say!

There shows lately are a hodgepodge of sometimes incoherent random statements; it's like they simply say the first thing that pops into their heads. It really isn't that difficult to come up with show material. Why not break-down each SEC teams schedule and wins and losses - they could be a minimum of a few days of radio.

Wait a minute - that would actually take work and intelligent thought.
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Ainge and JayBay are slowly morphing into Beavis and Butthead. Ainge is very good when describing what goes into a football game plan and how it is executed. Once he gets off that area, he is the smart aleck kid in the back of every 7th grade classroom.
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That JayBay idiot has ruined his product. I tuned in for about 15 minutes this morning. Terrible radio. On par with those idiots in the morning on 990.
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That JayBay idiot has ruined his product. I tuned in for about 15 minutes this morning. Terrible radio. On par with those idiots in the morning on 990.

unfortunately I did listened for a few mins today but had to turn them off after less than 5 minutes.
unfortunately I did listened for a few mins today but had to turn them off after less than 5 minutes.

What a shame. Ainge has a lot of potential, but that JayBay clown has no business being on the radio.

If he would work to get interviews, bios, recruiting news, etc., and let Ainge run with it he could easily have the top morning show in town.
Not sure why Basilio is starting a late Saturday night program. Except for the few days when UT has an evening/night game, who's going to be listening to local sports talk radio then?
Funny, I like the mindless humor in the am with mixed sports and recruiting talk. Nothing else to talk about in late June
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I listen but dont call...........I go to the remotes sometimes. Hope he announces a new radio station soon. UT football and Basilio go hand and hand.
I love Tony and and not because I am a sports blogger for his website. To me, Tony will always be the Dean of Knoxville Sports.
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I heard 3HL out of Nashville will start syndicating this fall in Knoxville.

Since the 3HL show is run and owned by Cumulus, and the Cumulus station here in Knoxville runs its most profitable and highest-rated show in the same time slot, I'm going to have to go with no on that one.
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