Tony Harris being called a "punk"



"Slava Ukraina"
Aug 14, 2007
OK, so I'm driving around this morning listening to Knoxville's finest (The Sports Page or whatever it's called at 10:00 a.m. on 990 AM) talk about the Mike Gundy blow up. Anyway, a caller and Dave Hooker were talking about an article written about Tony Harris where some now deceased sports writer in Knoxville had called Harris a "punk". Apparently, Hooker and the writer of the editorial were unaware that "punk" had homosexual connotations. Even when it was pointed out to him that it has had that meaning for a long time, Hooker still defended the writer and said essentially, "how is a writer supposed to keep up with the latest hip hop slang?"

Is Dave Hooker really that clueless? Has he really never heard of a "punk" meaning a homosexual? If the writer knew what the meaning of the word was and still called Harris a punk, then I say, it must take one to know one. If he used the word punk to describe Harris and didn't know what it meant, then he is a fool (may he rest in peace).

Does anybody remember when this happened? Apparently, Harris was injured, but ended up getting in a fight, which caused the now deceased sports writer to write the editorial.
I insult people all the time and I never realized punk had homosexual connotations.
If you ever visit a correctional insitute.....punk will have a whole new meaning to you.
1) I have homosexual friends, family members, neighbors and co-workers, and I've never heard "punk" as a homosexual term. Maybe I am clueless too.
2) Gary Lundy was a well respected journalist with high moral and ethical standards.
3) I vividly remember reading that article (Spring of 2001, I believe), and it couldn't have been more spot-on about the state of UT basketball, which was a disgrace. Worse than the Buzz Peterson years. I was embarrassed to cheer for the team, even though they won more games than Buzz's teams did. Total lack of control, lack of judgment, and Tony Harris' rampage epitomized it. I think Green's lack of leadership was a big reason UT hired a Boy Scout like Peterson.
I'm 25, been around sports and on teams with people from various backgrounds an never heard of punk being used in that way either.

Like other people said look at the context of the article and I promise not one person thought Lundy was calling him gay. That's ridiciulous.

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