First off,
There is no reason why TN can't be a Top 25 team every season, strictly w/ talent.
Why are we not?
Is CCM a Top 25 Coach? Is he a Top 25 Recruiter?
If not, we need to look elsewhere regardless if we go to the tourney or not.
I agree we need to replace ccm and hire a real coach regardless of how this season turns out.
Okay, didn't we try to hire a real coach when Pearl left?
Seems no one was interested, so it fell to the tenth or eleventh candidate on the list.
Also, in the past, we had a good coach but we ran him off. Do you remember Jerry Green, who took us to the NCAA several times?
I agree we need to replace ccm and hire a real coach regardless of how this season turns out.
You do realize Martin finished above expectations his first two years right? Even though Pearl left six scholly players and sanctions hanging over our head. Last year no Maymon. Sounds like a real coach to me.
I think people overestimate the talent Pearl left. He only won 19 and went 8-8 in the SEC his last year and finished unranked after starting top 25 and reaching top ten. We lost by 30 in the first game and scored 45 points. We had way more talent then and won 19. We lose all our talent overachieve with less talent and win 19 the next year 10-6 SEC and 20 the year after and he can't coach at all. That is funny.
It's not really fair to judge Pearl off of that last year. He was lucky he didn't get fired before the season started and he was suspended for part of the season. Agree that Cuonzo did overachieve with the first year's talent, but the last two years he's underachieving and next years recruiting class wasn't even in the top 40 last time I looked.
You do realize Martin finished above expectations his first two years right? Even though Pearl left six scholly players and sanctions hanging over our head. Last year no Maymon. Sounds like a real coach to me.
I think people overestimate the talent Pearl left. He only won 19 and went 8-8 in the SEC his last year and finished unranked after starting top 25 and reaching top ten. We lost by 30 in the first game and scored 45 points. We had way more talent then and won 19. We lose all our talent overachieve with less talent and win 19 the next year 10-6 SEC and 20 the year after and he can't coach at all. That is funny.
Pearl also coached when the SEC was a lot tougher. Thus the reason he could go 8-8 in the SEC and still make the tournament and why CCM goes 10-6 and doesn't. The strength of the league has dwindled the last couple of years.
Also, if you will remember, there were major distractions going on during CBP's last year at Tennessee. That definitely took a toil on the coaches and players throughout that whole season. Plain and simple CBP>CCM any day of the week.
just out of curiosity --- what makes you guys think TN is a legit top 25 program year in/ year out?
Not trying to flame, just interested in why you guys think that.
just out of curiosity --- what makes you guys think TN is a legit top 25 program year in/ year out?
Not trying to flame, just interested in why you guys think that.
So Martin get a pass the first year? He still had the specter of sanctions hanging over him. Not to mention Bruce left 6 players. Most who had never contributed. So if Bruce gets a last year pass Martin should get a first. Then last year no Maymon and finished higher than projected and won 20 games.
Pearl recruited better for sure. But people acting like he was some coaching genius and Martin isn't fit to coach HS are crazy. Give Pearl a last year pass but bash Martin for doing better than he should have while dealing with Pearl's mess he left over.
Bruce had a couple more seasons he squeaked in with way more talent than we have now. He had Chism, Hopson , and T Smith and only won 21 games. Squeaked in as a 8 seed and lost first round. He lost in the first or second round 3 times. One of the times he was a 2 seed and won the game against the 15 seed by two on a last second shot then lost the next game to a 7 seed. He had some good years but let's not act like he won 30 games a year and Martin is below .500.
Pearl also coached when the SEC was a lot tougher. Thus the reason he could go 8-8 in the SEC and still make the tournament and why CCM goes 10-6 and doesn't. The strength of the league has dwindled the last couple of years.
Also, if you will remember, there were major distractions going on during CBP's last year at Tennessee. That definitely took a toil on the coaches and players throughout that whole season. Plain and simple CBP>CCM any day of the week.
Or be willing to fire one that's not a top 25 coach as soon as it becomes evident.