Physics usually don't apply in movies.
Also characters can conviently jump into a Garbage barrel off a building with no broken bones, no injuries, no death, and no infections from the garbage.
Jumping from extreme heights is completely safe as long as you either land in a bin or on water. I still keep waiting for some drunk hillbilly to replicate Harrison Ford's jump from the Cheoah Dam (Graham County, North Carolina) in The Fugitive.
Not only do persons fall in love at 1st sight at a high percentage that person sees that person in another large population city or the same large population City.
For some unknown reason if a person has sex in a slasher movie they are usually doomed to be killed.
The 'Scream' rules for surviving a horror movie:
1) If you have sex you may not survive the movie.
2) If you drink or do drugs you many not survive the movie.
3) If you ever say "I'll be right back", "Hello?" or "Is anybody there?"... you're f***ed.
Jumping from extreme heights is completely safe as long as you either land in a bin or on water. I still keep waiting for some drunk hillbilly to replicate Harrison Ford's jump from the Cheoah Dam (Graham County, North Carolina) in The Fugitive.