Top Christian groups on FB are run by Eastern European troll farms

Cannot stand FB anymore. Rarely log on at all really. Too much hate and insufferable crap.
I’ve enjoyed reconnecting with high school friends. I won’t get political on there and I unfollow the ones that just go on and on with political topics. I don’t unfriend them I just unfollow them. I think they know my views but I don’t want to waste anybody’s time on FB with politics.

And each time I get any opinion request from FB I always choose the option that puts them in the most negative light. I like the medium basically. I can’t stand the moderators.

I won’t consider Twitter. Ever. It’s a complete waste of bandwidth.
So they're tired of following the footsteps of Christ. Cool.

What I can't stand are people who post their personal information on Facebook for everyone in the world to see. They'll comment on random posts from some random account asking questions very similar to password security questions.

It amazes me how dumb people can be.
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Cannot stand FB anymore. Rarely log on at all really. Too much hate and insufferable crap.

I almost gave up on it but I hid everybody who posts frequently about politics or spams with their MLM or whatever, and it's actually kind of awesome now. Just see pictures of old friends and their kids, keep up with my 5 siblings, jomboy and other funny media, and it's great. And if you don't know Jomboy, wyd?

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Right, That is why I believe all propaganda should be locally sourced. For example, everything from the Democrat Party used to come direct from Moscow. Now we have enough Marxists of our own that we are able to cut out the imports!!!!! Direct from the mind farm of the looney left to a screen near you! Made fresh daily! Workers of the World Unite! Uncle Bernie has $3.5 Trillion of FREE STUFF for you and it costs absolutely ZERO DOLLARS 😂😂😂
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Is it okay that my password for all of my bank accounts is "welcome"? I'm thinking about changing them to welcome1. Thoughts?
Hard hitting analysis in the article

"It’s difficult to calculate the amount of influence such Facebook pages are exercising over American Christianity, but it certainly seems like it would be having some sort of impact."
Not sure what Relevant magazine is but interesting they left out the other groups where this holds true - the link to the MIT article has the details

  • The troll farm pages also combined to form:
    • the largest Christian American page on Facebook, 20 times larger than the next largest—reaching 75 million US users monthly, 95% of whom had never followed any of the pages.
    • the largest African-American page on Facebook, three times larger than the next largest—reaching 30 million US users monthly, 85% of whom had never followed any of the pages.
    • the second-largest Native American page on Facebook, reaching 400,000 users monthly, 90% of whom had never followed any of the pages.
    • the fifth-largest women’s page on Facebook, reaching 60 million US users monthly, 90% of whom had never followed any of the pages.
The research is more about how people are getting pushed information rather than what pages they follow. If you note above, 95% of the people getting pushed information from the largest troll Christian site have never followed it.

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