Toughest Ticket You Have Ever Scalped At a Game

May be covered some where else, and forgive me if it is, but where is the best place to get tickets on the cheap? I'm coming from SC with a 4 hr drive and 4 kids and my wife and I have wanted to bring the whole family but its always been too expensive to do so. I'm thinking the South Alabama game might be the easiest one to get in to (and also happens to be my oldest son's birthday). Someone once told me to go to the G-10 parking before the game and buy from individuals instead of scalpers.
Any thoughts?

G10 has a bunch of scalpers in it now that there is a ban on selling outside the stadium. I saw 5/6 walking around at the APSU game. South Alabama is your best bet at a cheap ticket
May be covered some where else, and forgive me if it is, but where is the best place to get tickets on the cheap? I'm coming from SC with a 4 hr drive and 4 kids and my wife and I have wanted to bring the whole family but its always been too expensive to do so. I'm thinking the South Alabama game might be the easiest one to get in to (and also happens to be my oldest son's birthday). Someone once told me to go to the G-10 parking before the game and buy from individuals instead of scalpers.
Any thoughts?

your issue is finding 6 together from anyone. your best chance is to buy from you can 6 together there. If you want to sit in upper deck, you could probably get 6 together at $20 each on UT site. regular price is $04 each
2007 SEC Championship game. I was a student, didn't win the ticket lottery, and paid $300 to someone to transfer their pair of tickets to me.

Wow, you got ripped off. I went to that game without tickets and there were plenty to be found on the streets, I think we paid $20 for our tickets.
1996 Florida game. Only tickets we could find at anywhere NEAR a reasonable price were student tickets. We were no longer students. Tried to get into every gate but were turned away without a student ID. Re-sold the tickets to a Gator at a slight profit. I may have neglected to mention to him they were student tickets.

Failed to get into the stadium for the only time. Ever. We fell behind 35-0 to start. Felt pretty good about not getting in.
paid $100 for a ticket to UF in 97 and the same for the SECCG that year. Can't think of any others I scalped
For the 2001 SEC CG there were very few tickets for sale on the streets. All we needed was a single and it was still over $100.

The 2003 Peach Bowl was another tough ticket on the streets.

It was the 1997 SECCG for me. My group couldn't even find seats togethers for three people. We had to split up. It wasn't so much the price..there just weren't many tickets for sale in the streets.

But, it was Peyton's last SEC game.
A friend & I went to the 1997 SEC Championship game at the Ga Dome vs Auburn w/out tickets. We couldn't find them anywhere on the street in Atlanta. It was about an hour til K/O & we finally found a guy with 2. He wanted $350 for both. We both dug around in our pockets, her pocketbook, everywhere & finally came up $5 short! He was okay with that so we paid $172.50/ticket!
We got inside & realized we didnt even have money for a coke!! that was okay though, as it turned out, it was worth every penny!
I believe I paid $200/ticket in Knoxville for the National Championship Game. Then, people were trying to give them away in Tempe.

For some reason, the Alabama game in 2006 was tough. I almost always have tickets before going, but I didn't for that one, and tickets were well over $100.
]I believe I paid $200/ticket in Knoxville for the National Championship Game. Then, people were trying to give them away in Tempe.[/B]

For some reason, the Alabama game in 2006 was tough. I almost always have tickets before going, but I didn't for that one, and tickets were well over $100.

I didn't quite pay that much, but I was ticked when I went up to a scalper and they were basically giving them away.
Had two extra tix for the 1997 Ark game. It was a miserable, cold, rainy November day. But, we had just gotten the #1 ranking and Ark was undefeated as well. The famous Stoerner game. I literally couldn't GIVE the tickets away!!!!
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Had tics so don't know what they were actually going for but before the Notre Dame game in 1990 local news was reporting $200-300 per seat tic sales.

I flew from NY to Raleigh then into Maryville on an American Eagle from Raleigh - and everyone on the Eagle plane was wearing ND stuff or talking ND. Older guys who probably had the $, so I believed the report.

Great game except for the final score.

I always lucked up on scalping but my worst experience was just this last year when we played Florida. I haven't seen that kinda prices and hype in Knoxville in years paid 200 a piece in JJ. Ridiculous
I always lucked up on scalping but my worst experience was just this last year when we played Florida. I haven't seen that kinda prices and hype in Knoxville in years paid 200 a piece in JJ. Ridiculous

Me and a buddy asked a scalper what he was giving for tickets 3 hours before that game. He asked us where they were at and all we said was lower level with no mention of row or section and he offered $500 for the pair. It was very tempting to take it, but having paid for season tickets and not having anything to get excited about for several years, we held on to em'.
I was a kid but I remember driven down with my dad from Ohio to ut fl game in 97 with no tickets and I remember him paying 275 a ticket.

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