Cash man turned a guy who would have been dfa'd today into an infield guy with a rod and Tex hurt. Good job by him.
That phone call would probably be painful to listen to.
Cashman: So, Neal, you got Gaby Sanchez, so you don't need Casey McGehee anymore right?
Huntington: Dude, Brian, you are my ****ing hero. What's it feel like to go to the playoffs?
Cashman: Good Neal, so about Casey. How about Qualls? You got rid of Lincoln, and Qualls is comparable
inthathe'salsoareliefpitcher so what do you say?
Huntington: Can we party after we play each other in the Series?
Huntington: Did Jeter tell a joke? I want to hear it...
Cashman: Oh yeah, that's it. Tell you what, I'll tell you at the Series. You can even sit in my luxury box.
Huntington: Really? No foolin'?
Cashman: Yes, Neal. So, Qualls for Casey
Huntington: You bet buddy! Brian, you are my best friend.
Cashman: Sure thing...
Huntington: What's that?
Cashman: Oh, I said, more runs. You guys are going to score a lot more runs with Sanchez in the lineup.
Huntington: I know, he is super awesome.