So sorry to disappoint you...I mean...when those of us who've been here a long time try to help with such random demands for more information, from such important Members like really hurts when we stumble and don't accomplish providing EXACTLY what you were demanding, and too preoccupied to search the internet for yourself. For this, I am TRULY sorry. I should have known better. And as a matter of fact, what you've asked for just might not exist, since the Transfer Portal exist for a very limited time (compared to the multi-year traditional recruiting process which has created its own economy of various websites, blogs, vlogs, etc. dedicated to such. IN FACT...there is EVEN a COMPLETE Forum on this very site tha DEALS specifically with Recruiting, Rumors, & your coveted "Crystal Ball Projections". But...maybe...just MAYBE...such "Crystal Ball projections" DON'T exist for this new transfer should start s site providing it. It could be called
For your incompetence, you’ve been banned to the Politics forum!So sorry to disappoint you...I mean...when those of us who've been here a long time try to help with such random demands for more information, from such important Members like really hurts when we stumble and don't accomplish providing EXACTLY what you were demanding, and too preoccupied to search the internet for yourself. For this, I am TRULY sorry. I should have known better. And as a matter of fact, what you've asked for just might not exist, since the Transfer Portal exist for a very limited time (compared to the multi-year traditional recruiting process which has created its own economy of various websites, blogs, vlogs, etc. dedicated to such. IN FACT...there is EVEN a COMPLETE Forum on this very site tha DEALS specifically with Recruiting, Rumors, & your coveted "Crystal Ball Projections". But...maybe...just MAYBE...such "Crystal Ball projections" DON'T exist for this new transfer should start s site providing it. It could be called
whoa now, I wasn’t criticizing you, just making an observation.
just saying, I haven’t been able to find it either.
as for me being important. Nope, no more or no less Than anyone else. Just one of Gods lil children.
as for me being here a long time….yes, I’m a 1980 UT gradand Vol For Life as my name stands.
I think sometimes in message boards, as in texts and emails, messages can be taken a little differently than intended.
I liked that web site but was just saying it wasn’t a predictive site on transfers. Sorry if you thought I was taking a personal shot…not at all what I intended.