Travis Henry Coming Home?

I'm no big fan of AZ, but Emmitt was still on pace for 1000 yard seasons before injuries. They've got a line, and a few good receivers, and a decent D.

Of course I had to root for them after Emmitt went there. Now that he's retired, I have no interest in them. But I think Henry would fit in perfectly there. They need a RB, and they have what he needs to be successful.
Same for me with Smith. He was my favorite football player ever. I named my teddy bear after him when I was little.

Back this train up... Travis Henry ran 125 in a game on a broken leg and cracked ribs. Accepted the challenge of McGahee and won his starting job. Until the injury McGahee was an afterthought. TITANS GO GET HENRY.

Now as far as Willis McGahee. The dude is a BEAST.... And if you take Henry over McGahee PLEASE JOIN MY FANTASY LEAGUE... 8 Games 1000 yards and the Bills won 9 on his back. All this after what some thought was a career ending injury. Henry is a multi 1300+ yard rusher with dangerous cuts and great outside speed. Willis faster and better up the gut of the defense.

Comparing these two is like comparing Dickerson and Sanders. Both are Hall of Famers, both got it done on Sunday. But Dickerson was less likely to lose yardage while Sanders was more likely to have a BIG play. Both will be top running backs with whatever team they land on.

Chris Brown on the other hand will end up being a situational back in the end due to injuries. That Turf Toe thing for half a season annoys me. Actually any persistant leg injuries annoy me because they may never be the same player again.


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