Trev Alberts Top 5



Sep 18, 2004
1. USC
2. LSU
3. Michigan
4. Virginia Tech
5. Iowa

He based this list pretty much on sheer talent, except for the coaching ability of Ferentz at Iowa... And didn't even mention Tennessee, even as an important game for LSU.

[Napoleon Dynamite]Idiot.[/Napoleon Dynamite]
I can't say that I'm surprised by this. As soon as I saw his name in the title, I debated even reading it.
I can live with USC and Michigan ahead of us, but hell... LSU doesn't have the quarterback to put the offense together, Virginia Tech's offense will be even worse this season, and Iowa is a one-dimensional offense with just a decent defense.
I'll agree with you. LSU shouldn't even be in the picture but they do return some talent and what they lack in QB, they might be able to make up with the running game. VaTech is very sketchy, it's going to all depend on little Vick..he plays well, they have a shot. The other teams will be good but Tennessee deserves to be up there with them.
Nah, with VaTech, I think it's the fact that the o-line won't allow the offense to breath. They have plenty of talent at all the skill positions, but with all the great defenses in the ACC, Vick just won't get the protection he needs to shine.
Myself, hope your correct!

Id love to see little Vick, scrape himself up all season!

As for LSU, :shakehead: and Michigan :wacko: .....Both i can see just out of the top 5..But not #2 or #3...
C'mon gang, why get upset about Trevor's picks. I'd put more stock in Martha Stewart's top five than his.
Who cares, first of all its Trev Alberts who's one of the biggest tools in sports broadcasting, second, I'd just assume see us at the bottom of the top 10 or so... give us more expectations put us on the underdog role for our trips to Baton Rouge and Gainesville (perhaps...).

We almost always play better as a dog than when expectations are throug the roof. See '96, '97, '99, '01.

IMO, Alberts is a good person.

He is much better then May and has a lot more common sense then Corso
Originally posted by Vol 4 Life@Jul 4, 2005 10:57 PM
Who cares, first of all its Trev Alberts who's one of the biggest tools in sports broadcasting, second, I'd just assume see us at the bottom of the top 10 or so... give us more expectations put us on the underdog role for our trips to Baton Rouge and Gainesville (perhaps...). 

We almost always play better as a dog than when expectations are throug the roof.  See '96, '97, '99, '01.

Oh, I can guarantee we'll be the underdog in Gainesville. You forget that the Urban Meyer is on the opposing sideline. UT doesn't stand a chance! :snoring: Anyway, when we beat UF in the swamp we will be favored @ LSU.
I don't put much stock into what these talking heads have to say right now. Especially at ESPN. They are there to sell interest and remind the average fan that college football is on horizon. They need to after that Scrabble / Hot Dog eating combo crap they put on this past weekend.

Originally posted by Jefw@Jul 5, 2005 9:33 AM
  They need to after that Scrabble / Hot Dog eating combo crap they put on this past weekend.

Trev Alberts, I don't think he's recovered from his foot in mouth comments before the Ohio State-Miami Fiesta Bowl, he spent a good month talking up Miami and talking down Ohio State, man do his comments look assinine now that we know who won that game.

Trev got 1 ranking right, and its the one that everyone will get right, by putting USC at #1. I can't see a reason for any other team to claim #1 right now, USC has got it and even Trev has that one right. But Tennessee, Oklahoma, Texas, Ohio State, among a few others are more deserving of a top 5 ranking than some of those schools in it.
Originally posted by surrealvol@Jul 4, 2005 9:33 PM
C'mon gang, why get upset about Trevor's picks.  I'd put more stock in Martha Stewart's top five than his.

Hey, easy on Martha. Her lockdown is purely "hideous." :laugh1:

Really, though, come on. . . .If you are even reading anything Trev Alberts is writing, you need your head checked. What a waste of oxygen.
This isn't surprising. I disagree with him, but I wouldn't expect him to give us any love.

I do believe there'll be a lot of idiots eating crow who have us out of the top 10.

With our schedule, we could easily lose 2 and end up in the top 10.

If we lose 1 we could still end up in the NC game provided it's not the SECCG.

A not mention for the top 5 is just another slap in the face this team should use for motivation.
I just saw a preview for Alberts' Top 5 overrated teams and they showed a clip of UT. we'll see what he says on Sportscenter on Wednesday.
Originally posted by Panthers4Ever@Jul 6, 2005 1:49 AM
I just saw a preview for Alberts' Top 5 overrated teams and they showed a clip of UT. we'll see what he says on Sportscenter on Wednesday.

Alberts' is such as ass....

It's going to be that much more fun showing him up this season. Make your words sweet, Trevor. You'll be eating them later.

Originally posted by CrystalEHS07@Jul 6, 2005 3:14 AM
Alberts' is such as ass....

It's going to be that much more fun showing him up this season. Make your words sweet, Trevor. You'll be eating them later.

Originally posted by Panthers4Ever@Jul 5, 2005 11:49 PM
I just saw a preview for Alberts' Top 5 overrated teams and they showed a clip of UT. we'll see what he says on Sportscenter on Wednesday.

They also showed clips of UT when talking about the upset teams, but we were not on the list.
Originally posted by KnoxKDX@Jul 6, 2005 4:04 AM
Not sure if anyone posted this one yet, but here is foxsports top 10:

Iowa didn't make it, but they did pick LSU over us and there are 4 SEC teams in the top 10!  SWEEEET!  So, Trev can basically hug a root.

I tend to think Fox writers suck up to the SEC...

I mean come on. I suppose one could put LSU top 10 and have it be reasonable, but 2nd is waaaay to high. We are in there, that's okay. But Georgia at number 6? They just lost every single one of their important players and are suspect in nearly every skill position on both sides of the ball. And Florida?! Like they belong anywhere near the top 10...
As always ESPN is dead wrong once again,but if you are like me you don't put a whole lot if stock in what Alberts says anyway. I mean Corso is his hero and Herbstreit is his pal, and anyone who calls Corso "coach" should have his head examined!!!

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