You're a cop... you always sound like an a-hole. :biggrin2: :dance2:(USAF_Vol @ Aug 3 said:Nope, sorry. My daughter got a small fishtank for her birthday. I wanted to kill those fish after having to clean the tank so much.
They J&^%$%#890 me off. Not to sound like an a-hole or anything. I just don't have desire. Fish are cool though.
(Lexvol @ Aug 3 said:I used to have an Albino oscar that had orange markings. I named him Smokey. I could hold food on my finger outside the tank, and he would jump out of the water and take it.
One day a friend came in and pointed his finger by the fishtank, and Smokey jumped out of the tank and fell to his death going after my friends finger. True story.
I got a 60 gallon, can't decide if I wanna do african cichlids or south america, no, not racist.
thanks, I got a canister filter running, might do a hang on the back one.. Not sure.. I had saltwater twice, both ended cause of something stupid that was outta my control. Lost thousands of dollars. Some I'm going the cichlid route. Just a pretty, less expensive.. I think africans look the nicest, but are mean. South American are the just the oppositeI don't keep fish but my son had two tanks when he lived off campus during college. One was for the africans (which I didn't understand because they all looked different) and the other for some kind of tiny sharks(?), and then fighting fish.
Anyway the tanks were awesome looking and having two let him do more things.
He was a microbiology major and made a big deal out of using the right filters. Make sure you get the multi stage that can actually remove bacteria as well as crud and algae. Evidently some models of tank filters only have reusable rinseable spongelike medium and they are a source of sick or dead fish after a few "cleanings". I guess he learned that the hard way.
thanks, I got a canister filter running, might do a hang on the back one.. Not sure.. I had saltwater twice, both ended cause of something stupid that was outta my control. Lost thousands of dollars. Some I'm going the cichlid route. Just a pretty, less expensive.. I think africans look the nicest, but are mean. South American are the just the opposite
I got a 60 gallon, can't decide if I wanna do african cichlids or south america, no, not racist.