I agree man. Some folks are bias to him because he's a Knoxville kid. He's a junior and wasn't able to beat out freshman. He honestly is a waste of a scholly. He isn't SEC talent at all. He wouldn't start at no other school in the SEC besides UT and Kentucky.
Also, just because he makes someone nervous while watching catching punts doesnt mean hes doing it wrong, since I've had to catch punts before, I can relate. He does it with ease and comfortability. The reason he lunges forward at the end of the punt is to catch it on the run, if you catch a punt at standstill, you are wasting valuble seconds to escape a collapsing pocket of defenders and might as well call a fair catch. This kid has talent, even if he stays purely on special teams hes a scholar because the importance of his positions.
He flat out misjudges it. He doesn't lunge forward. Half the time he lunges backward to catch because he ran to far up. He is not fundamentally sound and no punt returner is EVER taught to do that. He is a risk to muff the punt almost every time.
He flat out misjudges it. He doesn't lunge forward. Half the time he lunges backward to catch because he ran to far up. He is not fundamentally sound and no punt returner is EVER taught to do that. He is a risk to muff the punt almost every time.
List his turn overs while fielding punts....I can't think of any. He's been fielding them for 3 years. Why do you think he's a poor punt fielder when the facts indicate he's an outstanding punt fielder.
Now I'll agree he's no CP returning the punts, but do you remember the past years when you held your breath every punt because it was 50/50 whether the returner would cleanly field the ball?
I can think back in the 90's a remember some stellar players that muffed multiple punts and lost the ball to the other team. To me, Devrin hasn't made enough statistical mistakes, that would qualify your statement. He's consistent, whether it looks great or not. and if no one on here appreciates his kickoff returns that seem to get us to midfield when our offense is or isnt working than I would question your judgement. Hats off to a previous comment about CP, he was extrordinarily talented.eace2:I must of havent been watching the same devrin young. Sure hes had some not so good 'catches' but find me a punt returner that never has those.
He flat out misjudges it. He doesn't lunge forward. Half the time he lunges backward to catch because he ran to far up. He is not fundamentally sound and no punt returner is EVER taught to do that. He is a risk to muff the punt almost every time.
If he isn't actually dropping them it's roughly akin to saying Jim Furyk can't effectively golf because his swing looks funny. Until DY's approach starts putting the ball on the ground his "style" seems a bit moot IMO.
Just to throw it out there even though it isn't punt returns I'm showing DY as finishing as the SEC's #5 KOR in ypr with 25.9. He's no Patterson but let's be's a short list of people that deserve that comparison.
Believe what u want......I've actually played the sport. No, not at the college level, but that's not a secure way to field a punt. Hes basically making a diving catch.
Believe what...he's to this point been pretty consistent in fielding punts cleanly? If you're wanting to argue style points maybe you have some degree of standing...doesn't change anything about the observations I (and others) have made on the matter. Setting all else aside I think it's very safe to assume the primary reason he's held the PR position is fielding punts cleanly in practice and continuing to do so in games. Aesthetics aside isn't that the point?
No he hasn't fumbled yet. But that's like a QB making bad decisions all game and he just lucks up and someone saying well he hasn't been picked yet.
Devrin does not field it clearly. Fielding it clearly would be the ball dropping right in your arms withouy any extra movement.
Jacob Carter isn't much with the ball in his hands but he fields a punt very well as far as judging where the ball will land.
Does it matter???? When was the lastime Young dropped a return????? That's right...never......some of you people never appreciate our talented players yet sing silly praises for below mediocre talents such as Worely. Devrin is money on returns and always gains yardage on them as well. There was a long time where we didn't even have a buy who could field a return 50 percent of the time successfully. Be thankful....the return game hasn't been a problem with Young back there.
It has nothing to do with aesthetics. Its not fundamentally sound and he's had a few close calls. Its not the right way to do it. If he was to muff one at a critical time, people would be saying the same thing I am. I just don't have the happy-go-lucky Dooley attitude where I act like its ok until it blows up in my face. It needs to be corrected BEFORE it becomes a problem. Not WHEN it becomes a problem. Thats what development is, is fine tuning the little things.
No he hasn't fumbled yet. But that's like a QB making bad decisions all game and he just lucks up and someone saying well he hasn't been picked yet.
Devrin does not field it clearly. Fielding it clearly would be the ball dropping right in your arms withouy any extra movement.
Jacob Carter isn't much with the ball in his hands but he fields a punt very well as far as judging where the ball will land.
Jason Croom season stats.
2013 - 18 - 269 - 14.9 - 43 - 2
Not too bad for a RS freshmen wide reciever, that didn't start all the games, on a team that has had sub par qb play is not bad at all.
Devrin Young stats las night:
4 - 66 - 16.5 - 37 - 1
Made a case for more playing time in the future. IMO
There is no comparison between the decisions made by a punt fielder and a QB.
I don't care about a batter's stance, only if he can hit the ball consistently.
I don't care about a QB's throwing motion, only if he can deliver the rock. You probably don't remember all the critics bad mouthing Manning in college for his supposed "happy feet" - things worked out well for him.
There used to be a "correct" way to high jump before one fellow started jumping over the bar backwards, now everyone prefers that method.
I don't care if DY stands on his head before catching the punt, only if he catches it and runs forward afterwards. He's been doing it successfully for 3 years - enough said.
You're just arguing to argue as the facts simply do not support your position.