Trump Files Defamation Suit Against The Pulitzer Prize Board. WTF?

I'm just saying. Nothing "liberal" anymore about their beliefs.

There’s so many better adjectives to describe them for sure. “Ridiculous”. “Idiotic”. “Clueless”. I’ll stop there or I’ll be typing this all day.
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You prefer "socialist"?
Opinion | Trump Is the Worst Kind of Socialist

^ The Wall Street Journal ^

Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop

^ Mises Institute ^ ... a libertarian, non-profit, think-tank headquartered in Auburn, Alabama


After 4 years of the Republican Party embracing big government with an expansionary fiscal policy under the Trump Administration, it amazes me that some of you still believe that there is a difference between the two parties.

The reality is that they both favor socialism. One of the party's acknowledges this reality (the Democratic Party), while the other tries to hide from what they have done (the Republican Party).

Some of you either don't know what socialism is, or else you have no capacity for self-awareness at all. Republicans had control of both chambers of Congress during Trump's first two years in office from 2017-2019. They chose to retain the status quo of an expansionary fiscal policy. That is a fact.
Opinion | Trump Is the Worst Kind of Socialist

^ The Wall Street Journal ^

Trump's Road to Socialism | Tho Bishop

^ Mises Institute ^ ... a libertarian, non-profit, think-tank headquartered in Auburn, Alabama


After 4 years of the Republican Party embracing big government with an expansionary fiscal policy under the Trump Administration, it amazes me that some of you still believe that there is a difference between the two parties.

The reality is that they both favor socialism. One of the party's acknowledges this reality (the Democratic Party), while the other tries to hide from what they have done (the Republican Party).

Some of you either don't know what socialism is, or else you have no capacity for self-awareness at all. Republicans had control of both chambers of Congress during Trump's first two years in office from 2017-2019. They chose to retain the status quo of an expansionary fiscal policy. That is a fact.

OK. I withdraw "socialist" and change to "communist". But you are actually working from the words of a "libertarian, non-profit, think-tank"? Gutsy move. So which side railroaded a national health plan of sorts? Sorry, the GOP may have lost it's way, but there's no real comparison between the two parties.

One point you need to strongly consider is that once people started buying votes - offering free "government" stuff, everybody had to play the game - the death of fiscal conservatism. Don't bring home the bacon and you don't stand a chance against the opposition. Don't put all the blame on the politicians; the electorate owns a lot of it. The GOP could absolutely take the high road ... and sit on the sidelines watching dems really plunder the treasury.
OK. I withdraw "socialist" and change to "communist". But you are actually working from the words of a "libertarian, non-profit, think-tank"? Gutsy move. So which side railroaded a national health plan of sorts? Sorry, the GOP may have lost it's way, but there's no real comparison between the two parties.

One point you need to strongly consider is that once people started buying votes - offering free "government" stuff, everybody had to play the game - the death of fiscal conservatism. Don't bring home the bacon and you don't stand a chance against the opposition. Don't put all the blame on the politicians; the electorate owns a lot of it. The GOP could absolutely take the high road ... and sit on the sidelines watching dems really plunder the treasury.
Wait, so it's the fault of the dems that the fiscal consecutive can't really be who they want to be? The fiscal conservatives only spend our money first so the dems can't have it?
Wait, so it's the fault of the dems that the fiscal consecutive can't really be who they want to be? The fiscal conservatives only spend our money first so the dems can't have it?

Aint NOBODY on here supporting McConnell and this uniparty.
This goes back to either party reform or 3rd Party..I will take my chances on party reform if the Republicans can overcome this established leadership. Last time we saw the Tea Party..they were mocked endlessly with sexual innuendo. Ironic now.
OK. I withdraw "socialist" and change to "communist". But you are actually working from the words of a "libertarian, non-profit, think-tank"? Gutsy move. So which side railroaded a national health plan of sorts? Sorry, the GOP may have lost it's way, but there's no real comparison between the two parties.

One point you need to strongly consider is that once people started buying votes - offering free "government" stuff, everybody had to play the game - the death of fiscal conservatism. Don't bring home the bacon and you don't stand a chance against the opposition. Don't put all the blame on the politicians; the electorate owns a lot of it. The GOP could absolutely take the high road ... and sit on the sidelines watching dems really plunder the treasury.
... and The Wall Street Journal.

In July of 2018, while Republicans had a Republican President (Donald Trump) and control of both chambers of Congress, with a thriving economy, they enacted an aggressive socialistic strategy.

Trump went forward with a $12 billion bailout plan for farmers impacted by the response to his administration's tariffs. The Trump Administration's plan was to use two commodity support programs in the farm bill, as well as the Agricultural Department's broad authority, to stabilize the agricultural economy by buying up excess supply. The bill also involved providing aid to the dairy sector.

^ This is called socialism ^

You are dead wrong when you say that there is "no real comparison between the two." The two parties are equal in terms of their embrace of socialism.

... and I don't believe for one minute that you have a better understanding of communism, than you do socialism. You are a name-caller. That's it.
Aint NOBODY on here supporting McConnell and this uniparty.
This goes back to either party reform or 3rd Party..I will take my chances on party reform if the Republicans can overcome this established leadership. Last time we saw the Tea Party..they were mocked endlessly with sexual innuendo. Ironic now.
Huh? Lots in here supported Trump making it rain all over. Trillions in more debt but it was the dems fault

The tea party was a great idea until the gop got ahold of it.
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Wait, so it's the fault of the dems that the fiscal consecutive can't really be who they want to be? The fiscal conservatives only spend our money first so the dems can't have it?

No, there can't be fiscal conservatives when the other side is buying votes. Well, there can be, but they would be sitting on the sidelines watching others plunder the treasury. Peer pressure is a real thing, and a lot of voters want free stuff ... just a fact of life. Remember this? You should because it's where we are.

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
― Alexander Fraser Tytler

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