Trump instructs military to begin planning for withdrawal from Syria

There is no set date and there appears to be some wiggle room but the withdrawal is to coincide with the destruction of the Islamic State.

Not a defined strategy in my opinion but at least the desire to withdraw is there even if it is going against his senior military advisors.
There is no set date and there appears to be some wiggle room but the withdrawal is to coincide with the destruction of the Islamic State.

Not a defined strategy in my opinion but at least the desire to withdraw is there even if it is going against his senior military advisors.

I am thinking especially if it goes against them. They are the same asshats who have kept us in Afghanistan for upteen years.
I am thinking especially if it goes against them. They are the same asshats who have kept us in Afghanistan for upteen years.

Yeah going to get senior military advisors with their track record is a smart move. We're still overseeing bases left over from WW2
one thing to watch here is that I am seeing some talk about the Turks going after the Kurds. make a messy situation even worse.
It wasn't that long ago that those on the right lambasted Obama for withdrawing troops.

Having pointed out that hypocrisy, I think we all would like to see things at a point where we can bring all troops home from that entire region, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. I don't know if that is where we are, and trust that the generals will keep Trump in reality zone on this.

Politically speaking, it kind of seems like a pretty transparent attempt to get some good press in the midst of a cascade of bad.
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It wasn't that long ago that those on the right lambasted Obama for withdrawing troops.

Having pointed out that hypocrisy, I think we all would like to see things at a point where we can bring all troops home from that entire region, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc. I don't know if that is where we are, and trust that the generals will keep Trump in reality zone on this.

Politically speaking, it kind of seems like a pretty transparent attempt to get some good press in the midst of a cascade of bad.
Bring all of our troops from that area home. Secure our borders (including airports, visas) so when they build back up they can't penetrate us. Europe can deal with explosions on a daily basis.
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Bring all of our troops from that area home. Secure our borders (including airports, visas) so when they build back up they can't penetrate us. Europe can deal with explosions on a daily basis.

I really think that is short sighted. We cannot ignore threats in other parts of the world that could spill over and affect us. ISIS alone is an example of that. There are many others, of course.

On the flip side, like everyone else I have a lot of fatigue over us being there, the loss of life and injuries, the expense.

There is a balance to be struck, and its tough and its a moving target. Strict isolationism, however, has been proven over time to be a mistake.
I really think that is short sighted. We cannot ignore threats in other parts of the world that could spill over and affect us. ISIS alone is an example of that. There are many others, of course.

On the flip side, like everyone else I have a lot of fatigue over us being there, the loss of life and injuries, the expense.

There is a balance to be struck, and its tough and its a moving target. Strict isolationism, however, has been proven over time to be a mistake.
being over there doesn't remove the threat of ISIS. as we have seen its not organized terrorists striking us, but lone wolfs. all we are doing is making ourselves a target.

I think its a chicken/egg argument on terrorism.
being over there doesn't remove the threat of ISIS. as we have seen its not organized terrorists striking us, but lone wolfs. all we are doing is making ourselves a target.

I think its a chicken/egg argument on terrorism.

Yeah, but leaving a power vacuum behind is what caused GOPers to blast Obama for withdrawing troops. What is the difference here?
Graham: 'Obama-like mistake' for Trump to withdraw troops from Syria

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) on Wednesday criticized President Trump's decision to withdraw U.S. forces from Syria, saying the move would be an "Obama-like mistake."

"If these media reports are true, it will be an Obama-like mistake made by the Trump Administration," Graham wrote in a statement. "While American patience in confronting radical Islam may wane, the radical Islamists’ passion to kill Americans and our allies never wavers."
. . .
Graham, who sits on the Senate Armed Services Committee, added that a withdrawal "would be a big win" for ISIS, Iran, Syrian President Bashar Assad and Russia.
Yeah, but leaving a power vacuum behind is what caused GOPers to blast Obama for withdrawing troops. What is the difference here?
I may have said something about Obama possibly pulling out, but I doubt it. we need to be involved in less ish. I don't care who does it.

also I can applaud removing our troops (the what) and still criticize the how. but staying over there indefinitely is not a good thing. ever.
I may have said something about Obama possibly pulling out, but I doubt it. we need to be involved in less ish. I don't care who does it.

also I can applaud removing our troops (the what) and still criticize the how. but staying over there indefinitely is not a good thing. ever.

Agreed. That's why I hope that the military leaders that really do have experience and judgment make that decision, not Trump, who is just not qualified to do so.
Agreed. That's why I hope that the military leaders that really do have experience and judgment make that decision, not Trump, who is just not qualified to do so.
I actually don't want the military making policy decisions. they are going to be for more war. so far 3 presidents haven't gotten us out of Afghanistan, depending on how you want to look at it 5 presidents haven't gotten us out of Iraq. crazy may be what we need.
I actually don't want the military making policy decisions. they are going to be for more war. so far 3 presidents haven't gotten us out of Afghanistan, depending on how you want to look at it 5 presidents haven't gotten us out of Iraq. crazy may be what we need.

I get the point and do not necessarily disagree. But from a political point of view I do find that hard to square with Republicans bashing Obama for having withdrawn troops.
I get the point and do not necessarily disagree. But from a political point of view I do find that hard to square with Republicans bashing Obama for having withdrawn troops.
Obama could have nuked Russia off the map, quadruppled how much oil we produce, and added "by God" to every official document and Republicans would have complained.
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