Trump instructs military to begin planning for withdrawal from Syria

Man, he is taking some heat for this decision. I said yesterday I just hoped this was coming from the military leadership with some good judgment. As usual, however, this was just another impulse decision by the idiot President.

Because continuing to send American boys and girls into harm's way in a civil war situation is a good thing...
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Man, he is taking some heat for this decision. I said yesterday I just hoped this was coming from the military leadership with some good judgment. As usual, however, this was just another impulse decision by the idiot President.

"ISIS has been defeated"

It's a Christmas miracle.

Because continuing to send American boys and girls into harm's way in a civil war situation is a good thing...

The GOP seemed to love to bash Obama for getting out of such a situation. Now?

Well, some of them are standing up and crying foul. But the isolationist/nationalist wing of the party is celebrating today.

Almost as much as Putin and Iran.

Gave the order = tweeted about it

This is our very stable genius hard at work.

Another example of someone telling him something and him going, "Gee, that seems like a good idea and will make me look good. So yeah, okay."

Actual footage of Trump talking to Turkish President:

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"I know more than the generals."

Fox News Brutal Report on Trump’s Syria Move: Clear He’s Not Listening to Mattis or Pompeo Anymore

“As one senior U.S. Defense official put it to me, ‘no one will ever work or fight with us in the Middle East again as a result of this hasty withdrawal and the abandonment of those Kurds who risked everything to fight with the U.S. against ISIS,'” she continued, each additional piece of reporting more devastating than the previous.

And there was still more: “Not a single U.S. Military commander or leader I’ve spoken to at the Pentagon agrees with the president’s unilateral decision to pull all 2,000 U.S. Troops out of Syria, leaving a vacuum that Iran and ice is will fill.”
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2000 troops is what is filling the vacuum? I know we are good, but 2000 to occupy a whole country?

That's an interesting point. Obviously they don't control a large area, but presumably their presence makes a strategic difference.
That's an interesting point. Obviously they don't control a large area, but presumably their presence makes a strategic difference.

At a minimum, they are a trip wire. Plus their presence means that at any moment we could increase it because we have infrastructure in place to accommodate it if need be. That has a deterrent effect.

I see the Fox piece linked above. That is pretty devastating and has to have Trump just beside himself that they are not backing him up on this. He has been tweeting today to defend it a bit. But I suspect we will see him back down with some sort of double-speak/alternative facts bull crap that tries to save face.

He's so incompetent its scary.

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