Trump Is an Ideological Authoritarian

It's as clear as day. This reddit thread details all the evidence.

A final response to the "Tell me why Trump is a fascist". : EnoughTrumpSpam

Edit: since people are just skipping right past the ones that are the most damning examples:

Your link displays that you utterly don't understand the term 'fascism'. It's about 95% concerned with war and America's enemies and having nothing to do with fascist governance; is Trump only 5% fascist?

Let's see...
"Trump says he would declare a World War as President." - False; the links don't support that at all.
"Trump threatens to shoot down Russian planes starting war with Russia." ....but he didn't. He essentially said the same thing John Kerry said, that the U.S. would be within it's rights to do so. That's the attached link in the laundry list of links you post as proof.

You should be embarrassed.
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Your link displays that you utterly don't understand the term 'fascism'. It's about 95% concerned with war and America's enemies and having nothing to do with fascist governance; is Trump only 5% fascist?

Let's see...
"Trump says he would declare a World War as President." - False; the links don't support that at all.
"Trump threatens to shoot down Russian planes starting war with Russia." ....but he didn't. He essentially said the same thing John Kerry said, that the U.S. would be within it's rights to do. That in the laundry list of links you post as proof.

You should be embarrassed.

Funny how that works out. Just more proof that the media lie through their teeth every day. BB and I have a running dispute over this very thing in another thread, and he seems to see nothing wrong with journalistic malpractice. It's apparently OK for the media to be two faced. If a dem says it they include the limitations and context. If Trump or a republican says something they cut those out - like removing a qualifier like "the U.S. would be within it's rights to do" something.
Funny how that works out. Just more proof that the media lie through their teeth every day. BB and I have a running dispute over this very thing in another thread, and he seems to see nothing wrong with journalistic malpractice. It's apparently OK for the media to be two faced. If a dem says it they include the limitations and context. If Trump or a republican says something they cut those out - like removing a qualifier like "the U.S. would be within it's rights to do" something.

After stating OBL was a better person than Trump, and that he didn't care if Biden had a basement full of children's corpses & that he was glad media conspired to prevent the election of Trump, self-styled & insufferable 'thinker' Sam Harris blew himself & career to smithereens with his own TDS IED. Adios, blowhard!

They literally can't help a lemming migration or something.
Your link displays that you utterly don't understand the term 'fascism'. It's about 95% concerned with war and America's enemies and having nothing to do with fascist governance; is Trump only 5% fascist?

Let's see...
"Trump says he would declare a World War as President." - False; the links don't support that at all.
"Trump threatens to shoot down Russian planes starting war with Russia." ....but he didn't. He essentially said the same thing John Kerry said, that the U.S. would be within it's rights to do so. That's the attached link in the laundry list of links you post as proof.

You should be embarrassed.
It seems like Mr. Libertarian goes out of his way constantly to bash only Trump or whoever he perceives as being part of the "right".
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