Trump Launches New Communications Platform months after Twitter, Facebook Ban


I'm curious why you're the only poster allowed to use "whataboutism"? FFS, I'm not sure what's even wrong with whataboutism other than you and certain other posters love to scream about it as a form of deflection.

it’s because he has his beliefs and then twists facts to fit his needs.
The pipeline is a huge Fup by the Biden administration and a gift to Russia. It trumps anything Trump ever did in relation to Russia. After banning a pipeline in the US that action looks like something a Russian asset would do. Everyone screeched about trump and Russia for 4 years and are silent on this. That’s not whataboutism by me. That’s hypocrisy by you
Has Biden defended Russia for that? No, he has not. Has he tried to blame it on China? No, he has not. He has said that there will be retaliatory hacks, and the guilty party will be held accountable. What action are you talking about? That doesn't make any sense.
it’s because he has his beliefs and then twists facts to fit his needs.
No, I have the facts on my side. Trump was pitifully weak on Russia, from start to end.... and the SolarWinds hack will have long lasting impact on American interests. Trump said it was no big deal, and blamed it on the media and on China.... because he is weak.
Has Biden defended Russia for that? No, he has not. Has he tried to blame it on China? No, he has not. He has said that there will be retaliatory hacks, and the guilty party will be held accountable. What action are you talking about? That doesn't make any sense.
He didn’t have to blame anyone else. He couldn’t blame anyone else. He did it.
He harmed Americans and helped Russia with his actions on the 2 pipelines. It’s beyond moronic that you’re attempting to deflect this. You apparently missed the talking points that said the Biden apologist where supposed to pretend it didn’t happen
He didn’t have to blame anyone else. He couldn’t blame anyone else. He did it.
He harmed Americans and helped Russia with his actions on the 2 pipelines. It’s beyond moronic that you’re attempting to deflect this. You apparently missed the talking points that said the Biden apologist where supposed to pretend it didn’t happen
That doesn't make any sense. What do you mean by "He did it,"? Are you saying that Biden hacked the Colonial Pipeline? LOL.

It seems like you might be equating the cancelling of the Keystone Pipeline project as part of some bigger plan? That is laughably stupid and makes zero sense. It's not like Biden shut down some fully functioning pipeline. You seem desperate, and you are making a big fool of yourself in the process.

Nobody has said to pretend that it didn't happen. To the contrary, Biden has said that there will be retaliation. I'm not deflecting anything.
That doesn't make any sense. What do you mean by "He did it,"? Are you saying that Biden hacked the Colonial Pipeline? LOL.

It seems like you might be equating the cancelling of the Keystone Pipeline project as part of some bigger plan? That is laughably stupid and makes zero sense. It's not like Biden shut down some fully functioning pipeline. You seem desperate, and you are making a big fool of yourself in the process.

Nobody has said to pretend that it didn't happen. To the contrary, Biden has said that there will be retaliation. I'm not deflecting anything.
He canceled a project that would help Americans and lifted restrictions that helped Russia. It doesn’t have to be a plan. He could just be that incompetent
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He canceled a project that would help Americans and lifted restrictions that helped Russia. It doesn’t have to be a plan. He could just be that incompetent
The cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline had nothing to with the Colonial Pipeline hack. What absurd logic.

What restrictions did Biden lift against Russia? I mean Biden, not Trump. We would be here all day if we have to list the number of sanctions that Trump either refused to impose against Russia - even though he had signed a bill into law which obligated him to do so - or that Trump himself lifted against bi-partisan rebuke (such as those against oligarch Oleg Deripaska).
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The cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline had nothing to with the Colonial Pipeline hack. What absurd logic.

What restrictions did Biden lift against Russia? I mean Biden, not Trump. We would be here all day if we have to list the number of sanctions that Trump either refused to impose against Russia - even though he had signed a bill into law which obligated him to do so - or that Trump himself lifted against bi-partisan rebuke (such as those against oligarch Oleg Deripaska).

He eventually did impose those sanctions and many more. You should try to get more than one side of the story.

Trump’s Use of Sanctions Is Nothing Like Obama’s
LOL. @hog88, that list was comprehensive, thorough and spot on and supported by the facts. Your response is childish and without substance. You don't dispute it on its merits because you can't. So, you are reduced to half-hearted, superficial and generalized name calling as a defense. How very 3rd grade of you.
LOL. @hog88, that list was comprehensive, thorough and spot on and supported by the facts. Your response is childish and without substance. You don't dispute it on its merits because you can't. So, you are reduced to half-hearted, superficial and generalized name calling as a defense. How very 3rd grade of you.

Your list is not comprehensive and it's been for the most part debunked. You mention that Trump refused to sanction Russia after he signed the law. That is true he did delay enacting them but he did and even went beyond what congress passed as my link explained.

This is what you do, you take a snapshot of time and parade it around like it's a complete picture when it's nowhere close.
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Not even one part of that list has been debunked. Trump did not impose all of the sanctions as required by the bill which he signed into law. Nor did he ever present a case to Congress as to why those sanctions shouldn't be imposed - again, as required by the law he had signed.
Not even one part of that list has been debunked. Trump did not impose all of the sanctions as required by the bill which he signed into law. Nor did he ever present a case to Congress as to why those sanctions shouldn't be imposed - again, as required by the law he had signed.

Just a quick google

Trump finally imposes Russia sanctions that Congress ordered months ago

Trump Administration Imposes New Sanctions on Putin Cronies (Published 2018)

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